[Libs-Or] Welcoming Oregon Libraries- March 2025 Update

BRUNSON-ROCHETTE Ericka * SLO Ericka.BRUNSON-ROCHETTE at slo.oregon.gov
Mon Mar 3 17:42:17 PST 2025

Happy March, Oregon Library Community!
I am excited to share another monthly digest of virtual meetup groups, professional development offerings, and opportunities for independent learning on how to create, support and maintain welcoming workplaces, spaces, and services in Oregon libraries and the communities we serve. Please note the inclusion of a NEW virtual affinity meetup for people with disabilities and/or neurodivergence. A more detailed description will be shared out via email soon.

It has been wonderful to hear about all the great events in libraries across our state each month related to celebrating, honoring and uplifting community. I am brainstorming a better way to highlight these, but please keep sharing your efforts and stories with me! It is so inspiring to see so many libraries continuing to find ways to show up for all people in their community, even when faced with challenges and unforeseen circumstances.

Below you will find ways to keep engaged in, reflecting on and continuing action around this work through March and beyond. I have also attached a PDF of these same resources. If you have questions about any of the included resources, or if there is anything you would like to see included in the future, I would love to hear from you. Please text, call, or email with questions, support needs, and/or to schedule time to chat.

I look forward to connecting and being a resource for Oregon libraries and the communities you serve!

Warm Regards,

Ericka Brunson-Rochette (she/her/hers)
Community Engagement Consultant
State Library of Oregon
ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:ericka.brunson-rochette at slo.oregon.gov>| 971-375-5126
[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
Work Schedule: Monday-Thursday

All virtual meetup groups are for individuals employed, volunteering, or looking for work in Oregon libraries. Managers and supervisors are permitted to join. Upholding confidentiality of attendees, conversations and information shared in these meetups is required.

DEI Virtual Meetup for Oregon Libraries (Second Wednesday of every month)
For anyone engaged in diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging work in Oregon libraries.
Wednesday, March 12th, 3:30-4:30p
Meetup Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81502980247?pwd=fpyomcb21US548fuDgTaavCoo6dlIt.1>

2SLGBTQIA+ Virtual Affinity Meetup (Third Tuesday of every month)
For Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and/or not listed as it pertains to sexual orientation, romantic orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
Tuesday, March 18th, noon-1pm
Meeting details and link<https://www.cognitoforms.com/StateLibraryOfOregon/_2SLGBTQIAAffinityMeetup>

BIPOC Virtual Affinity Meetup (Fourth Tuesday of every month)
For Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.
Tuesday, March 25th, noon-1p
Meeting details and link<https://www.cognitoforms.com/StateLibraryOfOregon/BIPOCAffinityMeetup>

NEW! Disability & Neurodivergence Affinity Meetup (First Tuesday of every month)
For people who identify as neurodivergent, have a disability, or hold intersecting identities falling into both these groups---to include those with diagnosed, self-diagnosed, or suspected conditions.
Tuesday, April 1st, noon-1p
Meeting details and link<https://www.cognitoforms.com/StateLibraryOfOregon/DisabilityNeurodivergenceAffinityMeetup>


Find additional free training events on the State Library of Oregon's Continuing Education Calendar<https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted/free#s-lib-ctab-24120710-1>

  *   Embracing Neurodiversity: Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace for Neurodivergent Staff<https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/embracing-neurodiversity.html> (WebJunction)
Webinar | Tuesday, March 4th at 12-1p

  *   Supporting Communities Impacted by Incarceration through Library Services<https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/impacted-by-incarceration.html> (WebJunction)
Webinar | Thursday, March 13th at 12-1p

  *   Is Everyone Welcome Toolkit Series<https://learn.volunteermatch.org/> Webinars (Volunteer Match)
     *   Are You Ready for Equity: Navigating Biases in Volunteer Engagement<https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/714435613486400093>
Thursday, March 13th,11a-noon

     *   Introducing the Is Everyone Welcome Toolkit: Empowering Inclusive Volunteerism<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1046233038377126741>
Tuesday, March 18th, 11a- noon

     *   Tell Great Nonprofit Stories, Ethically!<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2763808739432824926>
Thursday, March 27th, 11a- noon

  *   Librarians as Health Care Guides: Tools for Supporting Your Community<https://elearning.ala.org/local/catalog/view/product.php?productid=1460> (ALA eLearning; Triage Cancer and ALA collaboration)
Live Webinar | Thursday, March 20th, 11:30-1p

On-Demand (Niche Academy)
Need access to Oregon's Library Staff Academy? Just fill out this form<https://www.cognitoforms.com/StateLibraryOfOregon/RequestAccessToContinuingEducationResources> (available to Oregon library staff, volunteers, and board members). Then you can get started here: https://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff<http://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff>

  *   Best Manager Practices- Seeing Staff as Human<https://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff/course/43968?categoryId=5972> (33mins)
  *   Disability Accommodations in Libraries<https://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff/course/59193?categoryId=5972> (65mins)
  *   Race in Oregon History, A Historical Perspective<https://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff/course/48725?categoryId=5972> (1 hr.)
  *   Reducing Burnout for Academic Library Workers<https://my.nicheacademy.com/oregonstaff/course/62238> (59mins)

* Fee-based $

  *   Serving Deaf Patrons in the Library<https://elearning.ala.org/local/catalog/view/product.php?productid=401&_zs=h8Mwg1&_zl=RjA1A> (ALAeLearning)
Two-Part Webinar Series | Mon., March 17th and Wed., March 19th, 11:30a-1p
ALA Member: $116.10; Non-member: $129

  *   Championing Trans Inclusion for Library Leaders<https://www.ala.org/pla/education/onlinelearning/webinars/championing> (Public Library Association)
Webinar | Tuesday, March 18th at 11a
ALA Member: $71.10; Non-member: $79; PLA Member: $47.40

  *   Trauma-Informed and Relational Care for Libraries<https://my.marvelouspages.com/nisha-mody/trauma-informed-and-relational-care-for-libraries> (Consultant Nisha Mody)
Self-Paced Course | Next Orientation June 2025 | $1250
(Inquire about pricing accommodation and institutional pricing options)

* In-Person Learning

  *   ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) National Conference<https://web.cvent.com/event/98632c12-9bee-4ab5-bb05-5fcf69f453a4/summary>
April 2-5, 2025 | Minneapolis, MN | Various Pricing

  *   Oregon Library Association (OLA) Conference
April 23-25, 2025 | Eugene, OR | Various Pricing
Early-bird registration ends March 21st

  *   REFORMA National Conference VIII<https://www.reformaconference.org/>
September 18-21, 2025 | Long Beach, CA | Various Pricing
Registration will open by March 21st

  *   AASL (American Association of School Librarians) National Conference<https://aasl.secure-platform.com/2025>
October 16-18, 2025 | St. Louis, MO | Various Pricing
Use Code AASL80 to receive $80 off a full conference registration through 3/31

* OLA EDI & Antiracism Committee's Professional Development Scholarships
Scholarships to support EDI & Antiracism professional development for library staff, volunteers, and library-job seekers in Oregon.  For more information and link to application, visit here<https://ola.memberclicks.net/ola-edi-antiracism-scholarships>


[Storytelling with solid fill]

Article- Rooted in connection: Libraries designing for belonging and community<Rooted%20in%20connection:%20Libraries%20designing%20for%20belonging%20and%20community> by Steph Harmon, WebJunction Program Design and Development Manager; WebJunction, February 2025
Publication- Advancing Racial Equity: Legal Guidance for Advocates<https://belonging.berkeley.edu/advancing-racial-equity?emci=fd0e5227-c1e8-ef11-90cb-0022482a94f4&emdi=26d171f1-2ff5-ef11-90cb-0022482a94f4&ceid=9513177> by Stephen Menedian; Berkeley Othering & Belonging Institute, June 2023 (updated February 2025)

[Television with solid fill]
Latinidad Beyond Borders w/Chris Zepeda-Millán<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL2LOmgtsAc> (YouTube; podcast hosted by Libros Schmibros Lending Library<https://www.librosschmibros.org/>, February 2025, 31 mins)
Alberto Sahagún (Libros Schmibros) and Chris Zepeda-Millán (UCLA Associate Professor in the Departments of Chicana/o & Central American Studies, Public Policy, Political Science, Sociology and Labor Studies), discuss Latino voters in the 2024 Presidential election and President Trump's immigration policies.

[Headphones with solid fill]

Podcast- Don't Call Me Resilient  <https://dont-call-me-resilient.simplecast.com/> (Season 8 Trailer<https://dont-call-me-resilient.simplecast.com/episodes/dont-call-me-resilient-season-8-trailer>, 1 min)
Host Vinita Srivastava dives into conversations with experts and real people to make sense of the news, from an anti-racist perspective. From The Conversation Canada.

[Head with gears with solid fill]

  *   March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month<https://nacdd.org/ddam1/>. The theme this year is "A World of Opportunities".
  *   Ramadan is observed this year from March 1-29th. Learn more<https://ing.org/resources/for-all-groups/calendar-of-important-islamic-dates/ramadan-information-sheet/> about the significance and customs of this Muslim holy month.
  *   March 8th is International Women's Day<https://www.internationalwomensday.com/>. This year's theme is "Accelerate Action<https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme>".
  *   March 14th is Holi<https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/pages/article/holi>, the Hindu festival of colors welcoming the arrival of spring.
  *   March 21st is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination<https://www.un.org/en/observances/end-racism-day>, remembering the 69 people killed by police at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid "pass laws" in 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa.

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