[Libs-Or] Moderators Needed for PDX Regional OBOB Tournament on 3/15

MAURER Jennifer * SLO Jennifer.MAURER at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Mar 6 16:50:24 PST 2025

Please pardon the cross-posting. Hi, folks. I am posting this on behalf of Veronica Hughes. Please direct any questions to her. - Thanks, Jen (Jen Maurer, School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon, jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov>)

[cid:image002.jpg at 01DB8EB7.DAAF1BF0]Hello, Library Land!

This year in Portland Public Schools, we're hosting one giant OBOB Regional Tournament for both the 3rd-5th grade and 6th-8th grade divisions at McDaniel High School on March 15th. We're very excited for how this event will bring eyes and attention to our wonderful library programs and the huge effort our students put into OBOB! As library enthusiasts, we are reaching out to you all to see if anyone is available to moderate battles, especially if you have experience doing so. If you can help, please fill out this Volunteer Sign-Up Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCPD_xquUZ_7VuSE0v_JZCCc1NVOqZ0DgPlwhGe3gEH6zF2Q/viewform> and click on the "Moderator" box. The time commitment varies, but would generally be from 8AM until at least 1 PM. You can visit the Regional website<https://sites.google.com/pps.net/pps-regional-obob-tournament/schedule> for more information. We hope to see you there!


Veronica Hughes
Library Media Specialist
Beach Elementary School (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
Scott Elementary School (Thursday and Friday)
Pronouns: she/her
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