[Libs-Or] The newly expanded Chinook Library Network is live this morning

Max Macias max.macias at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 14:41:19 PDT 2025


This is wonderful news and a fine example of coordinated leadership.

Thank you all for making Oregon a better place!

Max Macias

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:48 AM Bryan Miyagishima via Libs-Or <
libs-or at omls.oregon.gov> wrote:

> I'm happy to announce that the newly expanded Chinook Library Network
> consisting of the Lincoln County public libraries of Newport, Driftwood,
> Siletz, Toledo, and Waldport, the Tillamook County Library System, and
> Oregon Coast (Newport), Tillamook Bay, and Clatsop community colleges is
> live today on a shared Koha/Aspen system. We anticipate this project to
> better serve the residents of both counties with library services, provide
> cost savings to the new library members with the use of an open source ILS,
> and allow for greater shared expertise in the use of Koha/Aspen within the
> Chinook network as well as other Oregon Koha libraries.
> Credit goes to the migration team consisting of Christopher Davis (Lincoln
> County Library District), Lillian Curanzy (Newport), Mark Irmscher
> (Driftwood), and Danielle Meininger (Tillamook County) for their work this
> past year in configuring the new system meeting both virtually and
> in-person with team members working up to 90 miles away from one another.
> Credit also goes to former LCLD director and Oregon State Librarian,
> MaryKay Dahlgreen, for initiating conversations with coast libraries about
> a shared system; Corvallis, Jackson County, and Curry  County libraries for
> sharing their knowledge and expertise; as well as former coast library and
> district directors for cultivating and maintaining a tradition of
> generously sharing resources - we are simply following in their footsteps!
> This project was made possible with funding from a Library Services and
> Technology Act grant through the Oregon State Library.
> Bryan Miyagishima, Director
> Lincoln County Library District

Max Macias [image: A button with "Hear my name" text for name playback in
email signature] <https://www.name-coach.com/max-macias>
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“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of
doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”
― Charles Bukowski

The ideas expressed in these emails in no way represent any organization's
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Librarians With Spines  <https://www.librarianswithspines.com/>
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