Quick! You have 5 minutes and 20 slides to tell your colleagues from Oregon and Washington academic libraries what you think about the future! What will you tell them? Will you outline a dystopic future where Google has implanted a device in our brains, tracking and making available our every thought? Will you inspire them with a story about how libraries are leading the charge to restore the economy and save democracy? Maybe you'll share some thoughts you've been having about how a new technology is going to rock our worlds.<br>
<br>The 2010 ACRL OR/WA Annual Joint Conference at Menucha will feature Ignite-style talks presented by conference participants. These fast, fun lightning talks will give more people a chance to participate and will allow many more ideas to be thrown into our two-day discussion about the future.<br>
<br>We want your ideas for lightning talks! Our topic is broad -- nothing less than the future of academic libraries! What do you worry about when you think about our future? What do you hope for? Are you working on a project that you believe represents some of what the future has to offer us? We're looking for a nice mixture of practical, visionary, funny, dire, and inventive. Wherever you are in the library or your career - from library director to library student - you have something to add to this discussion!<br>
<br>To submit your idea, please go to <a href="https://web.memberclicks.com/mc/quickForm/viewForm.do?orgId=ola&formId=76239">https://web.memberclicks.com/mc/quickForm/viewForm.do?orgId=ola&formId=76239</a> and fill out the quick form. The proposal process is really informal, just tell us your idea! The ACRL-OR Board will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis until all spots are filled or August 1, 2010. Your early submission will help us plan a better conference!<br>
<br>Rachel Bridgewater<br>Electronic Resources Librarian<br>Reed College Library<br>3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.<br>Portland, OR 97202<br>503.788.6636<br><a href="mailto:bridgewr@reed.edu">bridgewr@reed.edu</a><br>