Attn: Future Librarians!<br><br><b>Take advantage of the student rate of $45.00 for ACRL Oregon’s preconference Managing Vendor Relationships</b><br><br>Register at the OLA website<br><br><i>Rice Majors (Emporia SLIM alum)</i> has gathered a top notch group of presenters and he and Rachel Bridgewater (another SLIM alum) will be moderators. The presentations and discussions will add to your working knowledge of the interplay between vendors, library software, and libraries in the following four sessions:<br>
<br><b>“Information-seeking behavior of library vendors”</b><br>Understand how a software company works, how software is made, and marketed. Understand time frames for bringing products to market, creating changes, and providing service to clients. <br>
<i>Rice Majors, University of Colorado, Boulder<br>Robert Allen, bepress<br>Marjorie McLaughlin, Innovative Interfaces</i><br><br><b>“Partnerships with vendors: case studies & lessons learned”</b><br>Hear the experiences of libraries as they have adopted new products. What worked well, what didn’t work well, and what could have been done differently.<br>
<i>Steve Casburn, Multnomah County Library<br>Steve Shadle, University of Washington</i><br><br><b>“Future of library vendors: new sorts of partnerships”</b><br>Get an overview of the current library software market and understand the opportunities libraries have to influence the market by creating new kinds of partnerships.<br>
<i>Carl Grant, Ex Libris<br>Andrew Pace, OCLC<br>Neal Block, Innovative Interfaces</i><br><br><b>"When is a vendor not a vendor?”</b><br>Hear about other opportunities to acquire library software products from libraries that have created their own products and those that contract for a library product from a library “turned vendor”.<br>
<i>Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University<br>Margaret Bean, University of Oregon</i><br><br>Moderated by <i>Rachel Bridgewater, Electronic Resources Librarian (Reed College)</i> and <i>Rice Majors, Director Libraries Information Technology (University of Colorado Boulder)</i><br>