<p class="MsoNormal">Please Welcome Our Newly Elected and Appointed 2011 ACRL Board Members:</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal">Congratulations to incoming Vice-President/President-Elect
<b>Anne-Marie Deitering (OSU)</b> and incoming Members-at-Large <b>Isaac Gilman (Pacific
University)</b> and <b>Amy Hofer (PSU).<span>
</span></b><br></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br></p><p class="MsoNormal">Congratulations as well to the following appointees: <br></p><ul><li>Legislative Appointee <b>Stephanie Debner (PCC Community College)</b><br></li><li>
Private College
Representative <b>Jim Holmes (Reed College)</b><br></li><li><b>Judith Norton (OHSU)</b> who is fulfilling
a one-year term as Member-at-Large.<span> </span></li></ul><br>Thank you to all candidates for your willingness to run and to serve!<br><br>The ACRL Oregon Board<br><br><br>