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Calling Legislators</h1>
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<p><img class="aligncenter wp-image-8847" title="BetsyEDIT" alt="Betsy Adamowski" src="http://www.districtdispatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/BetsyEDIT-927x1024.jpg" width="375" height="405"></p>
<p><em>Betsy Adamowski is the library director of the Itasca Community Library
in Itasca, IL, and has been a member of the Illinois Library Association for
over 20 years. She served on the Illinois Library Association Board of Directors
for three years before becoming the chair of the organization’s Advocacy
Committee in 2011.</em></p>
<p><strong>How do you work with your team to advocate for
<p>As the Chair of the Advocacy Committee I work side by side with the director
of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) to promote the various advocacy
initiatives that ILA does. The one initiative that we developed was the
Legislative Action Network (LAN). This is a network that is made up of library
community advocates who are inputted into a database that is broken up by
legislative districts. The LAN is put to work whenever an urgent legislative
item comes and urgent action is needed. We send an email to those individuals
in the specific district in order to get the action needed carried out in timely
manner. Other initiatives that we work on are development of an Advocacy
Toolkit, Legislative functions, speaking engagements at trustee functions,
participation in ILA annual conference, National Library Day promotion and
Illinois Legislative Day events.</p>
<h4><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0)"><strong>We need to stress that the library
community needs to talk about their libraries to everyone, and to stress the
value and return on the investment that a library gives a
<p><strong>How did you get involved with advocacy?</strong></p>
<p>I have always been involved with advocacy in some way since I began my work
as a librarian. I started with simply making calls to local legislators on
bills. I started attending the ILA Legislative Day in Springfield when I became
a director and that is when I really saw the value of advocating. I became the
Chair of the ILA Advocacy Committee last year and was able to begin to make a
difference with advocacy ideas for ILA.</p>
<p><strong>What’s going on right now in Illinois?</strong></p>
<p>To address the state’s economic challenges, we are working to engage library
activists from all across the entire state because each area has their own
specific issues. Right now, we have a committee of ten advocates, made up of
five library advocates from north end of the state and five library advocates
from the south. For example, northern Illinois is more urban, more centered
around Chicago, while the South is more rural and has more farmland. The
southern regions have much larger districts geographically, but smaller
populations. Recently, a legislator proposed a bill that pushed for giving all
of the homeless library cards, which was not an easy mandate for our rural
<p><span id="more-8846"></span><strong>Why should Illinois librarians get involved
in advocacy at this time?</strong></p>
<p>We need to promote libraries and make sure everybody knows about the value of
libraries. If we don’t do it, who is going to do it? This is our profession;
it’s our responsibility to advocate for funding. The strategy that ILA will be
implementing this next year is the need to educate the library community on the
importance of developing a relationship with local, state and national
officials. This is a message that we need to get out to all levels of the
library organizations—it can not only be the library director who makes the
contact. We need to stress that the library community needs to talk about their
libraries to everyone, and to stress the value and return on the investment that
a library gives a community.</p>
<p>It’s amazing how many people don’t talk to their legislators, how many people
are afraid to pick up the phone and call their policymakers. I tell library
advocates that legislators are people, and they want to hear from their
constituents. Advocacy is very easy to do. To give you an example, I was at a
senator’s event this morning. I went up to her and talked to her about what is
happening in my library this summer, and it was easy. By building this
relationship with the Senator, I know that when library issues come up, she’s
going to know what’s going on. I think of it as my job to let her know that
libraries are important.</p>
<p><strong>How do you typically meet with legislators?</strong></p>
<p>I usually meet in person with my state legislators. The Illinois Library
Association has a statewide Legislative Day, which is when library advocates
visit leaders in Springfield, Ill. This year will be the first-time that the ILA
Advocacy Committee will try to have a locally-focused advocacy week where
activists will meet with legislators in their home offices. We’re doing this to
promote the importance of building relationships with leaders in the home
offices, instead of going all the way to Springfield. I personally love visiting
my home office more than the Springfield office because I can talk more about
local issues.</p>
<p>I also traveled to Washington, D.C. last year to participate for the first
time in National Library Legislative Day. The time I spent there gave me an
appreciation of the work that the American Library Association does, and the
work that our congressmen and congresswomen are doing. After seeing so many
library supporters, I came back home to Illinois feeling energized and proud of
my profession. It was great to listen to other states and know that we are not
alone. I think every library advocate should experience <a title="Link" href="http://www.ala.org/advocacy/advleg/nlld" target="_blank">National Library
Legislative Day</a>. When I attended the National Library Day in Washington
D.C., I really saw the “big picture” of lobbying for libraries and really felt
that I received a great education on advocacy during the two days I was there.
I’m definitely going to participate next year, there’s no doubt, and my goal is
to get more people to attend by asking libraries to put this event in their
<p><strong>Do you have any advice for first-time advocates?</strong></p>
<p>Find out who your legislators are, and write down their names and tape it up
in on your desk, so you have it in front of your face at all times. Mail them
your library newsletters and invite them to all of your library functions. Call
them up and write them—it’s as simple as that. After you do those acts,
everything will fall into place. It also helps to familiarize yourself with the
tools that are on the <a title="Link" href="http://www.ala.org/advocacy/advleg/federallegislation/getinvolved/grassroots" target="_blank">ALA advocacy webpage</a> and the <a title="Link" href="http://www.ila.org/index.php?Itemid=56&option=com_content&view=article&id=315&catid=0" target="_blank">ILA website</a>.</p>
<p>The ILA Public Policy Committee and Advocacy Committee used basic advocacy
strategies, such as phone call and email campaigns, to effectively advocate for
libraries. This last year, we had a tax issue with some towns in Illinois, where
a bill wanted to lower the tax rate, which would negatively impact many
communities. The bill is currently at a standstill. Later, several mayors met to
have a hearing about the tax bill, and they mentioned that opposition from
libraries helped put the bill in perspective. It felt good to hear that from
those leaders.</p>
<p><em>Betsy Adamowski is the chair of the Illinois Library Association Advocacy
Committee and a member of the organization’s Public Policy Committee. <a title="Link" href="http://ila.org/advocacy-files/ILA-advocacy-toolkit-011812.pdf" target="_blank">View the Illinois Library Association
toolkit</a>.</em></p><em></em></div><div class="entry-content"> </div><div class="entry-content"><a href="http://networkedblogs.com/AArDQ?a=share"><font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255)" size="2">http://networkedblogs.com/AArDQ?a=share</font></a><p>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br></p></div><div><em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt">Diedre Conkling</span></em><i><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt"><br><em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">Lincoln County Library District</span></em><br>
<em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">P.O. Box 2027</span></em><br><em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">Newport, OR 97365</span></em><br><em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">Phone & Fax: 541-265-3066</span></em><br>
<em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">Work email</span></em></span></i><em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt;font-style:normal">: </span></em><a href="mailto:diedre@lincolncolibrarydist.org" target="_blank"><i><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt"><font color="#0000ff">diedre@lincolncolibrarydist.org</font></span></i></a><i><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt"><br>
<em><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS"">Home email: </span></em></span></i><a href="mailto:diedre08@gmail.com" target="_blank"><em><span style="color:blue;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt">diedre08@gmail.com</span></em></a></div>
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<span>“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”―Maya Angelou</span><span></span></h6><span style="font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-size:10pt"></span></div><br>