Hello!<br><br>Last week the OLA Membership Committee sent the message below to all OLA members announcing a new mentoring program.<div><br></div><div>If you have an interest in mentoring a new librarian, we hope that you will apply. If you're not an OLA member, please <a href="http://www.olaweb.org/join-now">join us</a>!</div>
<div><br></div><div>OLA Mentoring Program<br><br>Are you looking to give back to your library community? Would you like to help support an early-career librarian’s professional trajectory? OLA is excited to provide librarians with at least five years of professional experience the opportunity to mentor new professionals. Mentoring has been shown to be beneficial to the careers of both mentors and mentees.<br>
<br>This one year (or nine-month if preferred) pilot program will match you with an early-career librarian based on your skills and desire to help maintain a dynamic library profession. You determine how you would like to communicate -- by phone, email, video conference, or in person -- on a schedule you determine.<br>
<br>Please visit the links below to get more information, guidelines for mentoring, and to apply.<br><br><a href="http://www.olaweb.org/mentor-program">OLA Mentoring Program</a><br><br><a href="http://www.olaweb.org/mentoring-guidelines">Mentoring Guidelines</a><br>
<br><a href="https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_140898">Mentor Application</a><br><br>Meredith Farkas, Portland State University Library<br><br>Shirley Sullivan, Beaverton City Library<br>
<br>Emily Papagni, Multnomah County Library<br><br>For the OLA Membership Committee<br><br>Contact us at <a href="mailto:mentor@olaweb.org">mentor@olaweb.org</a></div>