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<div><b>Registration is now open</b> for the annual conference on Friday, July 19<font size="1"><sup>th</sup></font> , 7:30-4:30, in beautiful Hood River, Oregon in the Columbia Gorge!</div>
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<div>Register before June 20 and save $10 on registration fee! Registration deadline is July 12, 2013. </div>
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<div><u>Take advantage of our special offers, such as: 4 attendees for the price of 3. Or, if you’re traveling over 150 miles one way, apply for a $50 travel assistance scholarship. </u></div>
<div>Visit the website for more details. </div>
<div><a href="http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=313"><font color="#0000FF"><u>http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=313</u></font></a></div>
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<div><i><b>Are We There Yet?</b></i> Come and find out this July, along with State Librarian, Mary Kay Dahlgreen; renowned presenter Leigh Anne Jasheway; Maureen Cole, Director of Oregon City Library, and exciting sessions presented by Support Staff from around
the state!</div>
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<div>Register here: <a href="https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_143131"><font color="#0000FF"><u>https://ola.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_143131</u></font></a></div>
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<div>Stay updated with SSD at our blog sup.port.abil.i.ty <a href="http://www.ola-ssd.blogspot.com"><font color="#0000FF"><u>www.ola-ssd.blogspot.com</u></font></a></div>
<div>And on Facebook at Oregon Library Association Support Staff Division!</div>
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