<div dir="ltr">Greetings to the library community,<br><br><div>
OLA's Intellectual Freedom and Legislative Committees have been working
with Senator Ron Wyden to spread support for net neutrality. OLA
President Candice Watkins and Senator Ron Wyden recently co-authored an
<a href="http://www.eastoregonian.com/eo/columnists/20141107/wyden" target="_blank">
op ed letter</a><a href="http://www.eastoregonian.com/eo/columnists/20141107/wyden"> about net neutrality that was published in the <i>East Oregonian</i> <span tabindex="0" class=""><span class="">this Sunday</span></span></a>. Watch for this letter to be published later this week in the
<i>Portland Tribune</i> also. For those of you who live outside of the
East Oregonian and Portland areas, feel free to ask your local
newspapers to publish a copy as well.<br>
As the letter indicated, net neutrality is a vitally important issue for
libraries, both on intellectual freedom grounds supporting the right to
access information, and as a practical matter concerning the price and
speed of Internet service. President Obama
recently expressed strong support for net neutrality, <a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/11/10/president-obama-urges-fcc-implement-stronger-net-neutrality-rules" target="_blank">
calling on the the FCC to adopt "the strongest possible rules" in defense of an open Internet</a>. This call by President Obama follows a flurry of news stories that the FCC is considering a proposed
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/01/technology/fcc-considering-hybrid-regulatory-approach-to-net-neutrality.html?_r=0" target="_blank">
"hybrid approach"</a> to net neutrality that falls far short of the
strong protection called for by the OLA, ALA, Senator Wyden and President
Obama. With the FCC expected to issue its ruling by the end of the
year, opportunities for the public to influence this
critical debate are running out.<span class="im"><br>
</span><br>The <a href="http://www.olaweb.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=500:intellectual-freedom-net-neutrality&catid=20:site-content">net neutrality webpage </a>compiled by the OLA Legislative and Intellectual Freedom Committees provides more information about this issue, including the most effective ways to join this conversation which is so important to libraries.<br><br>Questions? Comments? Feel free to contact the Intellectual Freedom Committee.<br><br>Roberta Richards and Garnetta Wilker, co-chairs<br><br>Garnetta Wilker<br>Co-chair, Intellectual Freedom Committee, Oregon Library Association<br>K-12 Representative, Oregon Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee--<br><span class="im"><span class="im">
<a href="mailto:gkwilker2@gmail.com" target="_blank">gkwilker2@gmail.com</a></span></span><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div>Roberta Richards<br>Faculty Reference Librarian<br>971-722-4962<br><a href="mailto:rrichard@pcc.edu" target="_blank">rrichard@pcc.edu</a><br>Southeast Library Research Desk: 971-722-6289<br><br><br></div><br><div><br><br></div></div></div>