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<p><strong>OLA Seeking Candidates for Three Offices</strong><br>
Are you an OLA member? Are you interested in making a difference for Oregon libraries? Do you have a colleague you think would be right for one of these opportunities? This is your chance to step up and run for office! Last year we adopted our strategic plan. You can help make it a reality. <br></p>
<p>Contact OLA Past President and Nominating Chair Jane Corry at <a href="tel:503.298.8593">503 988-6140</a> or <a href="mailto:candice.watkins@gmail.com">olapastpresident@olaweb.org</a> with questions or to volunteer yourself or others for the following opportunities:</p>
<p>Vice-President/President-Elect/Past President (three year term):</p>
<ul><li>Provide leadership to your statewide library association</li><li>Voting member of OLA Board</li><li>Attend six meetings a year, plus summer planning retreat</li></ul>
<p>Secretary (one year term): <strong> </strong></p>
<ul><li>Document and disseminate minutes for OLA board and annual meetings</li><li>Voting member of OLA Board</li><li>Attend six meetings a year, plus summer planning retreat.</li></ul>
<p></p><p>Treasurer (two year term):</p>
<ul><li>Oversee OLA finances (day to day work handled by OLA staff member)</li><li>Voting member of OLA Board</li><li>Attend six meetings a year, plus summer planning retreat</li></ul>
</div><div><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div>Jane Corry<br></div>OLA Immediate Past President 2016-17<br></div></div></div></div></div>