[or-roots] Re: Or-roots and AOL - I was wrong!

LinLouVan at aol.com LinLouVan at aol.com
Sat Feb 16 13:16:25 PST 2002

In a message dated 02/16/2002 8:58:27 AM Dateline Standard Time, 
darnison at telusplanet.net writes:

I'm a subscriber to OR-ROOTS, which I receive in digest form.  I 
read your obit posts daily, and think you are providing a helpful 

Regarding your plain text vs. HTML settings: Sorry to be the bearer 
of bad news, but when I receive the digest, your posts are now 
coming through in text AND HTML (including the one where you said 
you thought the problem had been resolved).

As a friend of mine once said, "I love standards!  There are so 
many to choose from."
Debra Arnison-Sutton
darnison at telusplanet.net

Thank you, Debra, for letting me know.
I know that some are greatly bothered by receiving both, so I will
go back to plain text.

Linda VanOrden
Junction City, OR
LinLouVan at aol.com

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