[or-roots] Coos county

Marsha pmml at navicom.com
Sun Feb 24 20:13:25 PST 2002

News paper write up on baby shower.  Pink and Blue Shower Fetes Mrs. Gilbert
Mrs Robert Gilbert was a guest of honor at a baby shower Saturday, April 29
1961 at the home of Mrs. Bob Leabo.  Hostesses were Mrs. Leabo and Mrs.
Walker.  The  evening was sp[ent in playing games.  The hostesses served
dessert and coffee to the 27 quests.  Deanna was born on her brothers Bobs
birthday even years later.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glekay" <glekay at yahoo.com>
To: <or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us>
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 7:34 AM
Subject: [or-roots] Coos county

> Robert Gilbert did he live in Coos County?
> Thanks   Glenda
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