[or-roots] OBIT REPORT - Register-Guard 30 November 2002

LinLouVan at aol.com LinLouVan at aol.com
Sat Nov 30 07:59:32 PST 2002

Index of Death Notices and Obituaries from The Register-Guard,
Eugene, Oregon
   The Register-Guard on line posts the obituaries daily at noon and keeps 
them on for 30 days. If you want to look up an obituary there, try this: Go 
to http://www.registerguard.com/php/ObituaryIndex.phtml
You can search by name or by date at that site.
   However, I will be happy to send the wording to you, if requested.
To get the complete wording of a Death Notice or Obituary within the past 30 
e-mail me personally -- DO NOT respond to the list. (Or, if the obituary is 
more than
30-days old, e-mail me for search cost.)
   (Please include the date of the newspaper, not the date of death.)
    LinLouVan at aol.com
For a photocopy, send $3.00 with your name and mailing address to:
Linda L. VanOrden, 94073 River Rd., Junction City, OR 97448-9414

Death Notices and Obituaries are listed. Death Notices are the legal notices 
the newspaper carries under the header, "For the Record". Not all deaths are 
followed by an obituary.

Saturday, November 30, 2002


BALDWIN -- Ellen Augusta "Ell" Baldwin, 86, of Eugene, died Nov. 26
BLOOMFELDT -- Beth E. Bloomfeldt, 86, of Veneta, died Nov. 27
CALDWELL -- Mildared Maude Hahn Caldwell, 94, of Springfield, died Nov. 28
DIESS -- Edward Lincoln Diess, 90, of Lorane, died Nov. 29
GAYDOS -- Helen Gaydos, 76, of Eugene, died Nov. 29
INOCENCIO -- John Inocencio, 79, of Dexter, died Nov. 28
LIVERMORE -- Jerry R. Livermore, 66, of Elmira, died Nov. 27
LOPEZ -- Virginia Louise Lopez, 51, of Eugene, died Oct. 22
MUNN -- Rosealee Munn, 64, of Eugene, died Nov. 26
PARMENTER -- Elmer Clark Parmenter, 77, of Marcola, died Nov. 28
RASMUSSEN -- Juanita Bernis Rasmussen, 87, of Cottage Grove, died Nov. 27
STRAUB -- Robert W. Straub, 82, of Springfield, died Nov. 27


Juanita Bemis RASMUSSEN of Cottage Grove d. 27 Nov 2002 
b. 27 Dec 1912 in Red Deer, Alberta to George and Estella Barrett GATES; 
m. 1934 to Nelson BEMIS - d. 25 Nov 1974; 
m. 20 Jul 1975 to Edgar RASMUSSEN - d. 1989

Clarence Lester LEWIS of Springfield d. 26 Nov 2002 
b. 23 Nov 1925 in Tillamook to Clarence LEWIS Sr. and Aldyth Chase LEWIS; 
m. 12 Jun 1948 in Eugene to Myrtle SMITH - d. 12 Nov 2001

Helen Lucille LYNCH of Belingham, Wash., formerly of Eugene d. 14 Nov 2002 
b. 8 Sep p1913 in Goldendale, Wash., to Frank and Mabel Bond ROSS; 
m. 1942 in Eugene to Alvin LYNCH - d. 1977

Ellen Augusta "Ell" BALDWIN of Eguene d. 26 Nov 2002 
b. 27 Jan 1916 in Chico, Calif., to Ralph and Ellen GUILMETT; 
m. 27 Feb 1937 in San Mateo, [Calif.] to Donald BALDWIN

Beth E. BLOOMFELDT of Veneta, formerly of Roseburg d. 27 Nov 2002 
b. 29 Mar 1916 in Yankton, S.D., to David and Jeannie Green LAW; 
m. 25 Nov 1939 in Vancouver, Wash., to Norman BLOOMFELDT - d. 31 Oct 1988

Corrects earlier information.

Page 2A, Col. 1

Thought you might like to know: (These words quoted from the Register-Guard)
   News obituaries are printed free as space allows. The newsroom will accept 
information on its standard obituary forms submitted through funeral homes or 
by the deceased's immediate family. More information is available at (phone) 
(541) 485-1234, ext. 5534, or (fax) (541) 683-7631. To buy advertising space 
for a more detailed obituary, call (541) 342-1212. [A printable version of 
the form for submitting obituaries can be downloaded at the site listed 


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