[or-roots] Oregon County Codes

Chris Havnar jchavnar at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 12 15:24:51 PDT 2003

JM -

I said, I'd had those codes for a while..... Didn't realize it was only 4

Blush - GRIN

Hey, I'm a Californian and I have those code almost committed to memory
.... It is husband's pesky Oregon Codes that will cause too much brain
overload, thanks for pointing out my latest stupid act ....  Trust me -
I'll do other stupid stuff.


At 02:00 PM 4/12/2003 -0700, JMcIntyre wrote:
>Go here http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/OREGON/1999-03/0921521619.
>It might make you smile.

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