[or-roots] 1880 census online

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Sat Dec 6 11:38:39 PST 2003

I am sure I have mentioned this before but you can search the 1880 Census
online at;


I would like to add to this information that the transcritions are sometimes
a little shakey so if you are sure you have an ancestor in that census and
can't find him/her try playing with the spelling, I have mentioned in the
past my puzzlement over where the heck my family was when the Census taker
came around.

Well it turns out they were practically next door but something got lost in
the translation, the one I was most interested in; my ggreat uncle Timothy
Lockwood was two doors down from Alfred W. Reed the 1880 census taker for
Gardiner Precinct which apparently covered everything west of Scottsburg as
I see no way to tell who was in town and who is on the farm.

The reason I couldn't find him in the online index is that the soundex
version didn't consider Rockwood a match, likewise it didn't find Ive
Morrose a match for Ivy Morris and Milen Milven didn't turn up for Milan

So if you ancestor doesn't turn up just use your imagination, or if you know
someone else in that district you can use the next/previous houshold button
to scan through the whole list.

Les C

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