[or-roots] This and that

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Wed Feb 12 17:42:40 PST 2003

Since some folks have been sniping about multiple posts I will cover a
number of topics here;

First of all about folks with vision problems, if the suggestion of Dan
doesn't work for some folks there is an alternative for them if they can
manipulate their keys, they can copy the text to most any word processor,
Word or Works in the Microsoft world or whatever and change the font size,
if anyone feels unable to do this and wants more explicit instructions they
can email me direct; khanjehgil at presys.com and let me know what platform
they are on and what word processor they have available and I can probably
help them out.

Next before I forget I was rummageing through my bookshelf just now and ran
across a book that I had rescued thinking it had a bunch of family records
in it and it turns out to be an address listing for Lane County Oregon,
1958, so for those who had sent queries earlier that might be relevant to
that time frame and got no results from my search of the 1946 and 1967-68
phone books, I will be glad to peruse this listing too, it is different
because it appears to be a listing of residences by head of houdhold with
their address, the book also includes schematic sketches of the postal
routes of Lane county for that time if someone had an address and wanted to
know where the heck it is since the address no longer exists I can answer
that. Maybe some day when my puter probs are sorted out I can scan them and
set up a web page.

About Douglas County, Oregon. I am even closer than Judikat since I live in
Douglas County. I hope to be in the County Courthouse in a week or so and
might, I hope have time to do some research for folks. I can't promise, but
if you email me what you are looking for and I am not able to do it for you
this time, how much have you lost???

I guess I probably have made this confusing enough.

Les C.

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