[or-roots] Re:REUBEN SOPER

gary murray gmurray1 at cox.net
Sun Nov 2 05:42:30 PST 2003

VIOLET:  thanks so much for the search results.  i have a real problem
taking anything from the internet.  when i first started this obsession,
about 30 -35 years ago, i did not bother with sources but i soon learned
that sources are everything.  if you can't prove where the info came from,
it is worthless info. and the internet is full of family genealogies with no
sources.  i have written to many, and i mean many, of the listers on the net
and have gotten less than a few returns.  mostly people that seem to do
genealogy are name gatherers and not genealogists.  the very few responses i
have rec'd list sources as someone elses gedcom or nothing at all.  i do
certainly want to thank you for your time and trouble on this one.  my
powers line goes back to walter power who was the immigrant.  i have a
wonderful power/s book which lists all the sources.  thanks again for your
post.  it is much appreciated.
gary in az.

-----Original Message-----
From: Violet Sunderland <ndloop at wvi.com>
To: or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us <or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us>
Date: Saturday, November 01, 2003 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [or-roots] Re:REUBEN SOPER

>Hi Gary,
>I found these with Google:
>I was interested because I've just made a breakthrough on my POWERS
>line (paternal) but mine is Kentucky, possibly back to South Carolina
>or Virginia.
>I subscribe to the LEE list and the only Philander LEE was in
>Tennessee in the 1860 census. Not mine either. Mine traces to one
>Peter LEE in Massachusetts. Some of his descendants were Loyalists who
>went to Canada and my line was in Eaton Co. MI in the 1850s.
>One other surname lately is BOWEN. It is known in Cornwall and
>Devonshire also. Did you know that ap in Welsh means 'son of'? When
>the name starts with a vowel, the p becomes b and the a is dropped, so
>ab Owen becomes Bowen. In one instance I know of, it became BONE,
>possibly when a parish clerk or census taker spelled what he heard. My
>grandfather's sister-in-law was born in LaMar, Colorado in the early
>1880s, the daughter of one Josh BOWEN. (No other info on him.)
>Violet Sunderland
>mailto:ndloop at wvi.com
>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
>gary murray wrote:
>> GOOD MORNING:  does anyone know anything about reuben soper who m.
>> priscilla powers on 13 feb. 1853 in portland, oregon?  would also like to
>> know if he is related to any of the other soper's that married into the
>> hutchinson line.  thanks.
>> gary in az.
>or-roots mailing list
>or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us

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