[or-roots] Rt. 1, Salem, Oregon - in 1934

cjp joppe cjpjoppe at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 11:19:23 PDT 2003

Another way would be to contact the Fire Department in
the area - sometimes they have the address conversions
from  Route/Box to the new fangled street address
--- DaviesWalt at cs.com wrote:
> Thats from the old rural mail delivery system where
> the routes were 
> contracted out to people and layed out so that they
> could make a large circle to 
> deliver the mail. The only way to find out where it
> is, is to get ahold of an old PO 
> map that has the route and numbers.
> Walt Davies
> PS grew up in the country and lived on the Rural
> Route system for years 

cjpjoppe at yahoo.com
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