[or-roots] From left to right

Cecil Houk cchouk at cox.net
Mon Apr 19 22:52:53 PDT 2004

A few weeks ago. we found a group photo in my mother's estate.  She died 7/11/97, and these things have been in my garage since October 1997.

This is a family reuninon photo taken in 1946 in Los Angeles, CA.  On the back of the photo is writen "Los Angeles 1946" and nothing else.  :-(  I can identify 8 of the 20+ persons in this photo, and will write their names on the back of it.

I am sending this message because I am only one of 2 living individules who can identify anyone in this photo!  The other person is a 1st cousin who, for some reason, has blocked me from callining her on the telephone.  (Talk about a "brick wall"!)

If you have photos in your possession that are not annotated, and you know who they are, write the names on the backs of the photos BEFORE you delete this message.  "Mother" and "me" don't get it (I have one of those from 1935; but I know who "me" is because I knew "me" (Fern Anderson nee unknown) 1949 untill her death.

Cecil Houk, ET1 USN Ret.
PO Box 530833
San Diego CA 92153
FAX 619-428-6434
mailto:cchouk at cox.net
Searchable GEDCOM: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/~cchouk
My web page MENU: http://members.cox.net/~cchouk/
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