[or-roots] Family tragedy

Nancy Adams nancydean at columbia-center.org
Sun Aug 1 20:54:43 PDT 2004

Hey Walt, more name calling, huh?  calling me Stupid.  Oh, so you people are
as sweet as pie, and don't  call others names,  ok..ha ha   You have proved
our point,  Thanks!    What a Hypocrite!  

Subject: Re: [or-roots] Family tragedy
In a message dated 7/31/2004 7:21:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
nancydean at columbia-center.org writes:
 To  Ed Melvin,  {The "OLD FART" who put Shirlee and Kevin's Address and
Phone # on the Internet}
I can 't say how horrible it was of:  you to put Shirlee and Kevin's address
and phone number on the Internet for all to have. Plain Old Meanness on your
part, I call it "Internet rage" to go that far... Ed you should be ashamed
and should apologize to Shirlee.                        Nancy
Stupid, he got it off the internet and put it on our list.  I wonder what
was really going on hear because we all showed this guy exactly how to
unsube even sent him a setup where all head to do click it add his e-mail
address and walla he would be gone.
Now he says he is dead. Yea! and the Pope isn't Catholic. Come on this whole
stinks so rotten that I can smell it clear over in Monmouth.  
Hey! if he died then I'm sorry but I doubt it very, very much.
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