[or-roots] Century of Coos and Curry

Therese Lombardi nascarchic22 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 4 09:50:02 PDT 2004

If there is anything in there that you could copy on the Cox family, that 
would be wonderful!!  If you could e-mail me at therese at finevoyages.com  we 
can swap addresses, and I could send you a check for your costs and trouble.

I think that Elias Cox is a brother to Gideon Cox, and I am sure that I have 
seen information of Elias being a pretty good preacher.  Have to research 
that some more.  Gideon was W.B. Cox's father, and was supposed to have 
owned a good deal of property in the Willamette Valley, but have not seen 
anything on that....just hear say ;-)

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