[or-roots] Llewellyn family was 1990 tacoma warm body

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Sat Feb 7 15:29:45 PST 2004

Yes; that worked, definitely my folks, I think I will hit a few pages on
either side of them in hopes of "maybe" and call that good enough. Phoebe
has spent some time on Ancestry and came up with some stuff for me on these
folks too and I have heard back from just about all the folks I contacted
last night. I don't think I will put anything but Grace's direct ancestors
in as it sounds like her family is bigger than mine. It is interesting
enough to know a whole branch of the family exists so near that I have never
met any of without trying to link up to the whole world.

Thanks again, it is so nice to tie up loose ends, now all I need to do is
figure out where his Father is in that census? I am still wondering where I
got the idea they were in California, apparently because Eva's brother is
there in 1924.

Les C.

-----Original Message-----
From:  Barbara Wulf
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 7:58 AM

I am with you.  I can't find it that way either.

Try ??? in the search engine (three question marks)
Half way down the first page is ??? ??? K
Now you need to click on B
Guy and Grace are the last two people on the page
It is page 1B

wulf at bendcable.com

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