[or-roots] Update to online indexes

SAWYER Layne G Layne.G.Sawyer at state.or.us
Thu Feb 12 09:59:29 PST 2004

Dear Rooters,

In honor of the upcoming holidays, (Valentine's Day, Oregon's Birthday, and
President's Day) we are happy to announce some new additions to the Oregon
Historical Records Index. I would like to point out we are now over the
500,000 mark!  Our wonderful volunteers have been busy processing these
records and adding to this index.

The new additions include:

Crook County Assessment records for 1885 
Lake County Assessments for 1875, 1890, 1895

All you descendants of Eastern Oregon pioneers can rejoice.  

A bit about the assessment records. The records document the assessment of
real and personal property, the determination of tax liability, and the
collection of county taxes. Assessment, tax, and delinquent tax records are
variously labeled as rolls, lists, or summaries. Records show property owner;
description and value of urban and agricultural land, personal property, and
livestock; assessments, equalizations, and taxes due; and notations on payment
and delinquency in payment of taxes.

We have been working on indexing those years that help to fill in the gap
created by the loss of the 1890 census.  Although the entry on our index is
just the name of the party liable for the taxes if you request a copy of the
entry you can actually find some interesting information.

In addition to these records we added:

Lane County probates through 1937 and the 1903 delayed birth records we have
received from various counties.  (We do not yet have any of the 1903 birth
records from the Vital Records office.) and the evidences for delayed births
from 1903.

The link to index is;


If you would like to request copies of anything you find on the index please
e-mail your request to:

reference.archives at state.or.us 

Happy hunting!

Layne Sawyer
"List Mom"
Oregon State Archives


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