[or-roots] Fuitland, Marion Co, OR

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Fri Feb 20 17:55:57 PST 2004


I can see why you thought some of them were mispelled. Have you tried to
contact the school district that covers the area that Fruitland was in, they
would probably love to have access to the photos, or somebody there would.
Also they "might" have records of who was in that school then, of course
with privacy laws they might say the couldn't do anything for you even if,
but since you have names already that would be stupid of them.

Not that that might stop them.

Les C

-----Original Message-----
From:  Stephenie Flora
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 8:04 AM
Subject: [or-roots] Fuitland, Marion Co, OR

I have just added some photos to my Fruitland site that show the classes
of 1941-1948 for Fruitland School in NE Marion County.  I am relatively
sure that some of the names are mispelled and would appreciate any
corrections.  The photos were generously donated by a man who was in
school there during that time period.  Anyone with family in this area
might be interested.  It is still a work in progress as to history of
the area.  http://www.oregonpioneers.com/marion/fruitlnd.htm

Stephenie Flora

Acuff, Bartruff, Bewley, Ellis, Green, Lewis, Modlin

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