[or-roots] Mea Culpa (latin for dummy me, I think?) Polk folk

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Tue Jun 22 17:57:56 PDT 2004


Cheryl was explaining the numbering system of the Census pages to me and I
went back to the emails I had sent that she was responding to to explain
that the problem was HQ was giving me header info for one county on the top
of a census from another county and discovered she was correct, HQ had it
right except they probably could have come up with a closer PO than Monmouth
to substitute for Luckiamute which ceased to exist in 1874. I am having some
trouble pinning that info down exactly, but if anyone cares they can figure
it out at;


(I think) The reason I am bothering all you with this is the above link is a
great place to look if you have ancestors involved in  Polk County history,
they may be bioed on this site, and if you travel through the links long
enough I am sure you will find something of interest.

Les Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
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