[or-roots] latest twist on viruses

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Thu Mar 4 17:12:28 PST 2004

FYI folks; I just received this;


Dear  user  of Presys.com gateway  e-mail server,

Your e-mail account will be disabled because of improper using in next
three  days,  if  you are still wishing to use  it,  please, resign  your
account information.

For more information see the attached file.

In order to read the attach you have to use the  following  password: 46483.


now since not every web page I access is what you might call "squeaky clean"
and sometimes I access things that are downright strange I thought it might
be legit so started to follow the instructions, but when I went to unzip the
attachment it was an executable file which made me suspicious, so I checked
tech support, sure enough it is a virus. As a zip file it will get past an
initial scan by your protection software, and so might be able to cause
trouble if your only line of defense is scanning them as they come in, and
you are not protected from executing viruses.

As always, if in doubt, don't open attachments.

Les C
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.590 / Virus Database: 373 - Release Date: 2/16/04

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