[or-roots] deBeer ship

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Fri Mar 26 18:20:41 PST 2004

Hi Ronda;

There is no "one source" for listings of immigrants and the ships they came
on. The following is the most exhaustive and probably contains at least a
fourth of all the available info or some thing like that, if you look around
their site they might tell you how much info they have in terms of total

The best bet for finding immigrants and the ships they came on is the
International Ship Transcribers Guild; they apparently have been offline for
a time but are now back at;


I <ctrl> F'd through the 1852 list looking for the sylable "beer" with no
luck, they have about 20 ships or so for that year, if you KNOW that is the
year your immigrants came you might want to actually read the lists in case
your folks are listed as DiBaer or Bier or some such, or Be?? if you see
what I mean, they do have a search engine to search the site also.

I did have some folks that would do look-ups on the "Germans to the
Americas" CD where I was able to find my wifes paternal great grands, but
last time I checked them they were no longer doing it due to health or some
such, you might try an ethnic list for that part of the world if you know
where your deBeer folks came from, someone there might have better info on
how to look.

As to the other web sites you ask about, Heritage quest has a lot of stuff,
I haven't had much luck with the 25,000 publications except in the "negative
genealogy" mode, but the Census is a real treat if you lack the time to go
to a FHC and rent a reel and browse through it. Unless you have high speed
internet access page by page browsing in any of their Censuses is SLOOOOW

I haven't used genealogy.com much but it seems to me to be much like
Ancestry; trust the free stuff to the extent it is documented and pay only
for what you feel you have to have. For the record I have only used their
free stuff and what other folks have payed for and shared with me. I find
these sites useful mostly for the original document stuff, though I am not
scrupulous about not using other peoples work, if you are really serious
about your genealogy you want to avoid that.

Yes they all have their strengths and weaknesses, I think Ancestry and I
guess Genealogy both charge too much. I don't pay because I haven't
exhausted the free stuff and resources of my local library and FHC. Chances
are I never will. I bought a 15 CD pack version of Family Tree Maker when I
started genealogy and my 15 CD's contained about 5 of my relatives
altogether. If I had paid 15, 30 or 50 dollars apiece for those CD's I would
have been VERY disappointed. The vast majority of real information I have
gotten from the internet has been in the Censuses and genweb rootsweb
freepages where folks have transcribed vital records.

-----Original Message-----
From:  Steve & Ronda Howard
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 5:12 PM

Hi all,
Would some of you more genealogical savy persons give your personal opinions
of the strengths and weaknesses of some of the online genealogy sites?  My
Dad and I share an Ancestry.com subscription, so I'm quite familiar with
that one.  I seem to get lost in Heritage Quest and Genealogy.com.

Is most of the same information in most sites, or do they have individual
strengths and weaknesses?  Is there anywhere that passenger lists are all
located?  I'm looking for the deBeer family on a ship in 1852.  I've looked
through the ships on Ancestry (dozens of ships, hundreds of names) with no


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