[or-roots] [GFO] Updates to Oregon Historical Records Index

Steve & Ronda Howard whizinc at comcast.net
Thu Oct 14 08:14:10 PDT 2004

Hi everyone,
Sometimes I forget that new things are being added to places I've already 
looked.  This is from the Genealogy Forum.  Hopefully there will be some 
brick wall surprises waiting!
Ronda Howard

 To: <ORFORUM-L at rootsweb.com>
 Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:28 PM

 65,629 new entries to the online index.   _http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/_

These  include:

Umatilla County probates an additional     1,450 entries
Umatilla Co. Divorces, 1863-1942,      3,009 entries
Umatilla Co. Mental Commitments,  1863-1929,      941  entries
Clackamas County Naturalization, 1887-1931,     4,909 entries
Penitentiary inmate registers,  1854-1932,    12,440 entries
Provisional and Territorial Censuses 1845-1859,    14,848 entries
Provisional and Territorial Tax Rolls,  1846-1859,    28,032 entries

The new total  for records searchable on the online index is:  568,481!

http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/_ (http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/)

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