[or-roots] NEW MEMBER, HERE

Twyla Poppleton twypopp at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 09:06:01 PST 2005

Thank you for welcoming me to your "or-roots" mailing 
list.  I shall let you know of a wonderful book handed down in my 
family.   An Illustrated History of The State of Oregon by Rev. 
H.K. Hines, D.D. The Lewis Publishing Company 1893 ... We call it a 
"vanity history" because, we were told, many of the people paid to be 
included in the publication. It is an extremely interesting account of the times.

I am looking for information on the following people 
and their ancestors:
William G. Poppleton, Samuel Heiple, Robert Young, Hugh Currin, Joseph Seida

I have all the pertinent information on these Oregon pioneers, I think, but have been unable to uncover William Poppleton's father's name. 

Twyla Poppleton

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