[or-roots] Help Please with lookup.

Erick G Olofsson coollugan at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 5 11:46:22 PST 2005

Hello Cheryl,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Your super.
I appreciate all of tor help.

Cheryl Fitzsimons <fitzcf at hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eric,

I spent a few hours at my local FHL looking for your people but didn’t find 
much more than you did. Here is what I have:

Murile Peterson
If you go to the Skagit Valley Herald newspaper website and search in the 
archives you will find the obituary for Mattie Smith Gasner that appeared on 
March 5, 2004. It has a reference that Mattie “is survived by one daughter, 
Gloria Smith Gould Peterson and spouse Murile Peterson of Coos Bay, OR.” So 
it seems that your Murile is a male and he and his wife were living in the 
Coos Bay area in the spring of 2004.

Olaf Peterson, Sr.
You already had the 1910 and 1920 census information. I could not find him 
in the 1900 census records.

Olaf Peterson, Jr.
1930 census – Olaf Peterson, guest, 29 years old, single, born in 
California, parents born in Sweden, a stevedore at the docks, living at the 
Hotel Thomas. San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, ED 10, page 

Is this Ruth Peterson?
Ruth Peterson, 16 years old, born in California, father born in Denmark, 
mother born in United States. She lived at the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum 
in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, ED 39, page 272A. Could 
this be the convent remembered in your family stories?

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