[or-roots] Re: Your Columbia River Relatives

Twyla Poppleton twypopp at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 16 20:47:25 PST 2005

Hello Carroll;
Welcome aboard !!!  We have a "Clark" in our family lineage ....... a grandmother preceeded with ggggg's ..........  Her given name is Sarah Celestia Clark born in 1810 in New York.  Her father is David Clark .... (that's it for him)  
Sarah married William G. Poppleton and immigrated to Oregon in 1853 with her husband, Wm. G., and three sons.  That is as much info as I have on the Clarks.  If you can provide enlightenment, I am poised to be enlightened.  Sorry that I can't add to your quest, at this time.

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