[or-roots] obit/TOWELL/ apr2005

Barbara Wulf wulf at bendbroadband.com
Thu May 19 21:35:06 PDT 2005

Alexander Towell, 95, Nyssa, Ore., died Sunday at home. Services pending, Haren-Wood Funeral Chapel, Ontario, Ore. 


wulf at bendbroadband.com

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Don & Ev 
  To: or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us 
  Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:38 AM
  Subject: [or-roots] obit/TOWELL/ apr2005

  Is there someone who could find me an obit for the following or tell me where to find it??
  TOWELL, Alexander
      b. 1910
      d. april 24, 2005  (Nyssa, Or. ?)

  Thank you!
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