[or-roots] Posting from 1st time user

kat1928 at integrity.com kat1928 at integrity.com
Thu May 26 19:45:31 PDT 2005

Quoting LAPowell at aol.com:

> Many thanks to John Ridgeway for the nice email and explanation of lots of
> stuff!
> As a long-time member of or-roots and one who (some years ago, along with
> Marilyn _=jdanmdan at aol.com_ (mailto:=jdanmdan at aol.com) ) helped a great  many
> people with their membership in SDOP  I feel I have a right to say a  few
> words
> about this.  A great many people in Oregon also helped me because  I was new
> at the time.
> Walt Davies is often misunderstood.  He means well, but doesn't take  too
> well to criticism (shut up, Walt)  And that was a whisper, not a  shout.
> HOWEVER, anyone who needs help always gets it, whether it's with  genealogy
> or a
> place to stay when in the area doing research.  Believe  me, I know all about
> that.   He's also a member of SAR (Is that the  right one I said, Walt) and
> has
> their annual membership at his home even tho he  and Winnie are getting along
> in
> years (and also with his heart condition and  being in a wheelchair most of
> the time)..  And some of us wear T-shirts  with a Wagon and O-Roots on them
> (made by Walt when 12 of us met for the first  time at the SDOP picnic.
> I'm shocked at all this yelling.      If you ask  for help and get anything
> that makes things clearer  ----- Say "Thank  you"   Or-roots used to be
> aplace
> where we all helped each  other.
> Lois Powell

Do you suppose you "Old Timers" in genealogy could make things a little easier
for "strangers" to this by not usung abreviations - what is SDOP?


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