[or-roots] census confusion revisited

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Tue Apr 4 22:49:32 PDT 2006

I thought I would give all of you who helped me out with my Wade mystery a
bit of an update, and make one more comment about censuses.

first the update, I have managed to tie in with a couple of web pages which
have exensive info on the ancestry of one of Dewey's in-laws and also his
mother's line in detail, I also found a book on the famiy of another of his
in-laws on Heritage Quest.

Now the confusion part, was just trying to chase down the Sherwood that
appears in the Edward Wade household in 1900, having forgotten I had him in
a web page all neatly tied up.

So, in 1900 he is listed as Ardel L, with a name like that he should be easy
to back track. Well no actually his name is Andrew Lake Sherwood, by process
of elimination was pretty sure I had him in 1870 as Andrew S and wife Nancy
with dau Esther same as in 1900.

Looking for him in 1860, I narrowed the search down to three individuals
born in Vermont and lo and behold there he was right next door to Edward and
Amelia, (see how much more entertaining genealogy is when you don't have a
memory) but I can probably be forgiven for having a hard time finding him,
since in 1860 he is L. S. Sherwood.

Ain't genealogy fun!

Les C

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