[or-roots] Re: or-roots digest, Vol 1 #2298 - 7 msgs

Robyn Greenlund rgreenlund61 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 3 00:50:22 PDT 2006

Regarding the McCulloch/McCullough's in Coos County:

I find there are a number of references to various McCulloughs but none connect up to the John W. names you have Les. But there are two obituaries for McCullough's in Pioneers and Incidents of the Upper Coquille Valley (Jason McCulloch b. 1840 in Lee County, Iowa and settled in Douglas County in 1852 and Carolina Lee McCulloch b. 1882 in Myrtle Point) and Gus and Addie M. McCulloch living in Coquille; Clair & Darleen McCulloch, Geraldine C, James A. & Carrie, James K. all living in Myrtle Point in 1940. Also in 1940, there is a Dee and Euphemia McCulloch and Samuel M., Ruth A. & Shirley McCullough in Marshfield. Anna B. (widow Downey) and Virginia McCulloch are in North Bend. In 1904-5, I have a James McCullough living in Myrtle Point.

Because of the connection to the Belieu's, there are probably other connections I haven't found, but Belieu creek is about 12 miles from Myrtle Point towards Roseburg. Some close friends of mine live in a very old cabin (about 1900) up Belieu Creek. The area used to be called Enchanted Prairie. And don't forget the obvious possible connection the the McCullough bridge in Coos Bay. 

I'll keep an eye out for your McCulloch/Belieu connections.Let me know if any of the info I have sparks an interest and I will be happy to provide the full information.

Robyn Greenlund

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