[or-roots] Mary Ann Northrup

Harguess, Dale dharguess at coastline.edu
Tue Jun 13 08:29:45 PDT 2006

First I want to thank you for your efforts.  Actually, the family below
where you read the name of Mary, if you will look closely again you will
see that it is really Nancy (the guy had terrible handwriting).  I think
the reason we can't find the Howells in the 1860 or 1870 census is that
Adeline was still living with her mother in 1860 and I think, no I know,
these people moved a lot.  There are state census in a lot of the off
years and I have been able to find them in some of them.  Other than the
1860 census where Adeline and Marian (this is how it is spelled at that
time) I have never run into her again.  I suppose she might have died
around the same time her mother did, but haven't found any evidence of
that either.
You can find them on Heritage Quest in 1860 under Francis Leet (Vliet)
again the guy had terrible handwriting.  You will see above them
Elizabeth's sister and family Mary Ann McCumber.

-----Original Message-----
From: or-roots-admin at sosinet.sos.state.or.us
[mailto:or-roots-admin at sosinet.sos.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Leslie
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 6:14 PM
To: or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us
Subject: RE: [or-roots] Mary Ann Northrup


Having trouble here, I cannot find any of these folks in 1860 on
Quest. I find a John Shaw age 65 b VA
Mary 56 Ohio, Sarah 16 Ill, Marvin (sp?) 22 Ill, With three Nales
Hariot 6, Sarah 4 and Maria 3, the first b. in Ill and last two Oregon,
find no John and Nancy Shaw in 1860 or 1870, No Northrups in Douglas
either time except Wm and Mary that Sue mentions.

I do find the Howells in 1880 in Umatilla County, but no sign of them in
1870 or 1860, from 1880 his father is from Tennesse and only two of them
1870, he isn't there, so must be with a sibling. Or whatever, found one
their neighbors in 1880 in the 1870 Umatilla census, no sign of Howells.

What a frustrating bunch. None of them show up in Doug co cemetery
index. I
can drop you in my pursue this at the courthouse file, but I haven't
made it
to Roseburg in a long time.

Well, I give up, there are a whole bunch of Shaws in Oregon Archives
but no Nancy.

Where did you find them in 1860 in Douglas County so I can go there and
them, maybe I can get some ideas from where they are.

Les C

-----Original Message-----
From: or-roots-admin at sosinet.sos.state.or.us
[mailto:or-roots-admin at sosinet.sos.state.or.us]On Behalf Of Harguess,
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 11:28 AM

I am trying to find anything I can about a Mary Ann Northrup who came
her mother, Elizabeth Northrup and her sister Adeline and her
John and Nancy Shaw to Douglas County about 1852.
Elizabeth was a widow at the time but after she came to Oregon she
married a
Francis Marion Vliet.  She died after having two more children.  Her
Adeline married Stanford Howell in Douglas County but I can never find
Ann/Marian after the 1860 census.
If anyone out there has access to the Oregon State Census' perhaps they
could help me find what happened to her.

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