[or-roots] Fruitland Express

W. David Samuelsen dsam at sampubco.com
Thu Oct 26 23:11:09 PDT 2006

There was this express serving stretching from Idaho's side of Snake 
River, east of Ontario - around cities of Fruitland and New Plymouth and 
ran from there through Ontario, Baker City, La Grande, Summerville, 
Pendleton to Portland, hauling fresh produce from these areas. UPRR is 
Union Pacific Railroad. At the time UPRR owned the lines from there to 
Portland along the south side of Columbia River.

W. David Samuelsen

Leslie Chapman wrote:
> Some time back a post here was asking for the location of the "Fruitland
> Express" because the person posting had an ancestor who worked on that
> train.
> I was unable to come up with any such train and if I recall correctly only
> had wild guesses as to where it could have been;
> I find a reference, ironically in a train watcher oriented web site, to
> Fruitland being half an hour south of Payette, Idaho on US 95, apparently it
> is close to Ontario, Oregon;
> http://www.trainweb.org/chris/Idaho.html
> I also found a couple of references that appear to be talking about what are
> known as "reporting marks" I believe but they call; UPRR TRAIN SYMBOLS which
> refer to a railroad ( I think) called Fruitland in Iowa;
> http://www.uphs.org/trainsymbols.htm]
> BNSF lists a Fruitland street in Kennewick on thier schedule;
> http://www.bnsf.com/ttc/Timetable/pdfs/Northwest_No_3.pdf
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