[or-roots] "Buggy Bumpers"

Anne Comer comerslr at mindspring.com
Wed Feb 14 16:46:03 PST 2007

Here is a really cute article about the horse rings.  It mentions the 
curb protectors as well, though only as an aside.



On Wednesday, February 14, 2007, at 08:37  AM, LinLouVan at aol.com wrote:

> Can anyone on this list tell me the correct term for the metal edges 
> that used to be
> put on cement curbs so that buggys, wagons, etc. wouldn't bread down 
> the edges
> when they cut the corners too close?
> I've always called them Buggy Bumpers, but I can't google that term.
> Linda VanOrden
> Junction City, OR
> LinLouVan at aol.com
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