[or-roots] query etiquette

Paulette pswitzertatum at peoplepc.com
Wed Feb 28 17:00:31 PST 2007

This is very interesting information on Jamestown in 1619. I know the colonies were looking for people to come over from England. My husband's ancestor, Nathaniell T. Tatum came on "The Good Ship George" to Virginia in 1619. Fortunately, he prospered, bought land, married (first, Anne Underwood) and had children, one of whom was a Samuel Tatum. Other Samuel Tatums followed, through George, two James, to Landrine, Clinton Asbury, etc, down to my husband and now his first Tatum grandson. 

By the way, the person who posted this has a Loftin in the name. Does this name relate to any Loftons? That's a name in the Tatum family as well.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Leslie Chapman <reedsportchapmans at verizon.net>
>Sent: Feb 23, 2007 10:07 AM
>To: Oregon List <or-roots at www.sos.state.or.us>
>Subject: [or-roots] query etiquette
>A lot of us are real sloppy about how we post queries and some folks
>sincerely want guidance; I ran across a page where a good discussion with
>examples can be found;
>on another note Glen and I were discussing family intermarriage and he
>pointed out that part of the cause was the limited population, which is a
>very valid point;
>listen to this Jamestown information in about the year 1609;
>"by spring only 59 remained; the others, about 430 'being either starved .
>. .  or cut off by the savages'"
>then Gates shows up with another 150, decides they don't have enough
>supplies to make it and starts to leave, only to be brought back by Lord
>de-la-Ware who shows up with another 300 or so people;
>"only 150 of the 500 survived that winter-"
>ah here it is, as usual I exaggerated;
>"In mid 1619 when the first Legislative Assembly et in Jamestown's churh,
>nor more than a thousand survivors lived scattered along the river-the
>remanant of a total of six thousand who had come to settle."
>So it makes more sense why we see so many 1st spouse 2nd spouse 3rd spouse
>and so on.
>page 94;
>"The Wild Shores: America's Beginnings"
>Tee Loftin Snell
>geogrtaphic Society
>Special Publication
>copyright 1974
>or-roots mailing list
>or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us

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