[or-roots] Challenge - Frank Hoctor

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 19 03:25:06 PST 2008

The Klickitat County 
Agriculturist, Goldendale, WA., February 7, 1919, page 2

FRANK HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 

Mike HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx>, 
a well-known Klickitat wheat-grower and stock buyer, of the No. 6 
section, received a telegram from Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>, Arizona 
last Saturday stating that his brother, Frank HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx>, an Arizona 
sheepman, had been killed in a shooting affray, and, in company with his 
father, M.C. Hoctor, a Klickitat pioneer, left immediately before 
Phoenix <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>.

The message did not give any details regarding the affair, but Mike 
HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx>, who 
was formerly associated with his brother in the Arizona 
sheep venture, believes that the trouble occurred as a result of a 
dispute over range.

Frank HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 
was reared in Klickitat County 
and left Goldendale about ten years ago to engage in the sheep industry 
in Arizona 
He had been running sheep in the desert and along the Mexican border, 
with headquarters at Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>. He was 
about 35 years old, and leaves a widow and one child.

This was posted for reference only. I am not related to, nor am I 
researching this family. Additional information might be found at 

Posted: 20 Aug 2002 by Jeffery Elmer



The Goldendale Sentinel, Goldendale, WA., February 27, 1919, page 1


Mike HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 
of No. Six and his father, M.C. Hoctor, returned last week from Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>, Arizona 
where they have been for the past three weeks attending the funeral and 
looking after the business affairs of Frank HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx>, a former 
resident of Goldendale, who was killed with a 30-30 rifle in a shooting 
affray January 30th on the desert ten miles southeast of Hot Springs 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/springs-family-history.ashx> Junction, 
by J.D. Newman, a sheepman of Flagsstaff and Winslow 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/winslow-family-history.ashx>, Arizona 
Frank HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 
and his slayer had adjoining sheep ranges and had previously had trouble 
over stray sheep picked up by the band of another sheepman, a relative 
of NewmanâEUR^(TM)s. Shortly after the shooting Newman 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/newman-family-history.ashx> and drove his 
automobile into Glendale 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/glendale-family-history.ashx>, bringing 
HoctorâEUR^(TM)s body, and surrendered to the police, making a statement 
to the effect that the two men, driving their cars in opposite 
directions, met, and that HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> began firing 
on sight. Newman, according to his story, returned the fire, two bullets 
lodging in HoctorâEUR^(TM)s body, but not killing him outright, after 
which Newman <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/newman-family-history.ashx> 
took the wounded man into his own automobile and started for Glendale 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/glendale-family-history.ashx>. Newman 
stated that HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> died on the 
way and refused to make any statement or send any message to his wife. 
Newman afterward made a statement to a deputy sheriff in which he said 
that he shot HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> after the 
latter fired at him with his left hand as they passed on the road, and 
that he returned the fire in self defense. He said that a man and woman 
came along in a car just after the shooting and assisted him in placing 
HoctorâEUR^(TM)s body in his automobile. Newman asked the deputy to go 
at once to the scene of the tragedy and look for HoctorâEUR^(TM)s gun, 
and also look for the man and woman who came along just after the 
shooting. After a preliminary hearing before a justice of the peace at 
Phoenix <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>, 
physicians who performed an autopsy on the body of HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> at the 
coronerâEUR^(TM)s inquest at Glendale 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/glendale-family-history.ashx>, testified 
that HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 
was shot twice in the back, one bullet entering the back of the left 
shoulder and the other just above the left hip in the rear, passing 
through the fleshy part of the leg. The deputy sheriff to whom Newman 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/newman-family-history.ashx> made a 
statement shortly after he arrived at Glendale 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/glendale-family-history.ashx> with 
Hoctors body, testified that he visited the scene of the trouble as 
quick as he could get there after talking with Newman 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/newman-family-history.ashx>, found 
HoctorâEUR^(TM)s auto truck standing in the desert in high gear, found 
the tracks of several men and a woman, but was unable after a careful 
search to find the gun which Newman 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/newman-family-history.ashx> claimed 
HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> had, 
neither was he able to find any trace of the man and woman who are 
supposed to have witnessed the finale of the desert killing. The latter 
were sought over the entire Southwest by both the prosecution and the 
defense, but seem to have vanished, for the time being at least. Newman 
was held to answer a murder charge in the superior court at Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>, with bail 
fixed at $20,000, which he furnished.

Frank HOCTOR <http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> 
left Goldendale about ten years ago to engage in the sheep industry in 
and started in working for wages, later acquiring a half interest in a 
band of sheep with a brother-in-law of the man who shot him. About two 
years ago he and his partner separated their interests and HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> continued in 
the sheep business on his own hook, branching out and greatly increasing 
his flocks. At the time of his death he had 4,5000 head of ewes, a farm 
in Apache county 
a home in Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx>, besides 
range leases, forest preservation rights, etc., upon which a value of 
$110,000 was placed. Probate proceedings have been started on his 
estate, and it is expected that the widow will receive about $25,000 for 
the equity in his livestock business, besides the home in Phoenix 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/phoenix-family-history.ashx> and life 
insurance. Frank HOCTOR 
<http://www.ancestry.com/facts/hoctor-family-history.ashx> was 38 years 
old and is survived by his wife, Mamie J. Hoctor, and Lucille, 
11-year-old daughter.

Posted: 9 Jan 2003 by Jeffrey Elmer

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