[or-roots] mach women and mill camps

Sue Steward ssteward at ccountry.net
Fri Sep 26 18:54:00 PDT 2008

Just realized that another picture is probably the same logging camp as 
mentioned in my other e-mail  and it says "Fishtrap" which is near Myrtle 

Sue Steward

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leslie Chapman" <reedsportchapmans at verizon.net>
To: "or-roots mail list" <or-roots at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 5:43 PM
Subject: [or-roots] mach women and mill camps

> Dale;
> Do you know what company she would have been working for? Or any
> identification. Unfortunately a lot of mill /  logging camps had really
> original identifying name like "Camp Four" or "Mile Thirteen" and are 
> really
> hard to trace. I have a listing for one of my relatives, I forget exactly
> what or when, but all I know is "Camp Three" I don't know for sure what
> county even, but am pretty sure it is in Oregon, I believe Coos County, 
> but
> could be wrong.
> As to your gram being "macho", perhaps not, but she had to be a pretty
> strong woman to even survive as a cook in a logging camp in those days. I 
> am
> thinking more in terms of personality here than physical strength. Loggars
> are definitely a rowdy bunch. It was interesting to me to discover that my
> Forestry Host Country co-workers in Peace Corps were just as raunchy as 
> any
> American logger.
> Les C

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