[or-roots] SAMPUBCO

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 11 01:34:53 PST 2009

Somebody asked what SAMPUBCO meant, and David replied that it was just 
another business name, like GPC, Ancestry, or HeritageQuest -- maybe it 
is an acronym for Samuelson Publishing Company, or maybe David wants to 
keep us guessing.

Did you know that SamPubCo.com  reaches approximately 11,375 U.S. 
monthly people. The site caters to a rather female, 50+, mostly 
Caucasian audience. -- http://www.quantcast.com

SamPubCo is a business offering copies (for a fee) of mostly estate 
records, meaning David is a professional genealogist, and since his 
address is in Salt Lake City, one must assume he uses those resources 
available there to provide the originals to copy.  Certainly can beat 
the cost of a ticket or fuel to SLC to do it yourself, even if you lived 
in Farmington, not to mention the time.

So many thanks to David for providing the free public information 
available on his website!

Thank you,

Bill Strickland

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