[or-roots] Carrol / Lewelling

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Tue Jun 9 19:09:39 PDT 2009


Series: M432  Roll: 742  Page: 16

there is a William Carrol age 32 Carpenter with $1000 real esteate b. Ohio
and Samuel age 26 Farmer, $1500 also OH.

on the page before there are a whole bunch of Lewellings; Henderson 42
gardener $10,000 real estate b NC  Wife Elizabeth age 33 and a whole bunch
of Kids, I don't remember who was talking about them a few days ago, but
thought I would throw that in here.

Les C

-----Original Message-----
From:  Harguess, Dale
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 3:00 PM

Interesting.  I have only begun to do research on the Carroll family and
it isn't easy because anything that I might find would be before the
1850 census.  My great great grandfather's mother was a Hettie Carroll,
I don't know if that was a nickname for Henrietta or Harriet but I
assume it was a nickname.  She was married and died in Illinois.  Her
son ended up in Hardman Oregon and in fact is buried there.

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