[or-roots] Arminta headaches

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Wed Jun 17 10:17:26 PDT 2009

I got curious about why that might have been popular. My websters list of
given names doesn't even come close. Carol McD. Wallace's 20,001 bayb name

Armida; "little armed one"  okay, that begs the question; is she small and
carrys a lot of weapons, or is she short of arms? I suspect the latter.
Statistically the "average" person can stretche their arms out and measure
from finger tip to finger tip and that is their height. males in my family
tend to be wider than we are tall; me about four inchs and my son about
five, but our women tend to be just as wide as they are tall.

Armina (fem Armand) Old German for "fighting maid" a definition fraught with
room for freudian slips.

variations listed; Armantine, Armine, Arminie, Armyne, Erminia, Erminie,

Parentsconnect dot come offers this version;

Of literary origin. Sir John Vanbrugh, architect, writer and politician is
said to have coined the name for his work, "The Confederacy" in 1705.
However his contemporary and partner William Congreve did as well, and
included this name in his play "The Old Bachelor" in 1693. It has been
suggested that neither coined the name and in fact, were inpired by someone
that they both knew. If this is true then the name existed well before both
men used it, and its true origins are unknown.

Here is a strange thing; Arminta seems to be a popular name for victims. I
googled her name and went to books; full view only and there were two books
in the first page of hits about a 14 year old having receive unwarranted
attentions and after the second page it seemed like most of the hits were
court records of some sort or other, assault, fraud or property cases.

I figured maybe it was just the way of names, but I tried about ten other
names and most of them I didn't find a court record in the first couple of
pages except Melinda. Maybe it is uncommon names don't appear much except in
court. Alice for example you get the first page is mostly Lewis Carroll.



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