[or-roots] Walla Walla question

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Sun Jun 21 11:14:18 PDT 2009

Darlene and Lillian;

Thank you for trying. I was hoping to see a detailed description of the
wedding party or some such. I had found the marriage License. I guess I
could contact the recorders office and find out what else they might be able
to tell me or some such, but I was hoping for an easy out since these folks
are not on my main line, just a continuing fascination.

The whole thing boils down to whether Cleo is wife of Guy Earle Llewellyn
Sr. or Jr. I am inclined to think Sr. since the marriage is two years after
the death of his first wife, but no proof. I have never found any thing on
line about Jr. marrying and Jr. dies five years before Sr. I found two
online obits for Cleo Llewellyn, both east of the Rockies and obviously not
who I was looking for.  I do find a couple of family files I haven't seen
that are on Ancestry, but the so and so's won't let me at them without
signing up and since that is info others "gave" to them, even if I otherwise
were inclined to sign up, I wouldn't on principle.

Thank you again for trying. It is just one of those niggling little "I am so
close to an answer and can't get it!" things.

Les C

PS Eugene, glad our discussion helped you out. It makes me feel better about
repeating myself when it comes to posting things like that WA VR link to
lists. I tend to forget half of those things myself even after I have found

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