[or-roots] Beardsley list

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Sun Mar 22 21:52:39 PDT 2009


It is just a rootsweb surname list;


is where you can go to find the information to subscribe.

I you arent' interested in subscribing, the search for the list is at;


On the whole that might be more profitable as I said earlier it has been
almost a dead list until I stirred things up this week and it seem to have
pretty well died down again. But there is a lot of stuff in the archives I
am sure and I will probably have to go see if it has anything google missed.
I'm not sure I ever noticed that lists had search buttons before.

Hmmph! I just searched the archives for my key surname; Decker and of the 12
hits, 6 of them are me. Oh well.

Les C

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