[or-roots] DLC Maps

LAUBREY1 at aol.com LAUBREY1 at aol.com
Tue May 26 20:53:04 PDT 2009

Just a reminder while at the BLM site using the Land Status and Cadastral  
Survey Records that the people working at BLM have taken the time and effort 
to  make public and accessible to everyone give them a great big THANK YOU. 
They  have put in many hours of work and given you for free what they could 
make you  send for and pay money for if you even knew it as there and what 
to ask for. We  need to remember to thank those that give us free 
I have looked and the Oregon and Washington site have the best and easiest  
access to these  records. California has a little bit but not as good and  
all the rest I looked at didn't have anything. So we are lucky that they are 
 willing to share.
If you want to know if your ancestor had a DLC then go here:
_Land  Patent Search - BLM GLO Records_ 
(http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Default.asp?)    and put in their name and then  go to:
_Land Status  and Cadastral Survey Records_ 
(http://www.blm.gov/or/landrecords/survey/ySrvy1.php)    and look at the land using the  township and 
range. I was able to find my ancestors land.  I have the DLC  but not sure where 
in the Township and range it was. There are maps that show it  exactly. 
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