[or-roots] Wills and Probates by OGS

LAUBREY1 at aol.com LAUBREY1 at aol.com
Thu Dec 2 06:37:48 PST 2010

Please note that the date for the class is December 4 and not October  8.   
I didn't write it and I didn't proof it before sending. Sorry to  everyone. 
I will do better next time.  Linda
In a message dated 12/1/2010 6:47:49 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
LAUBREY1 at aol.com writes:

Wills & Probate Records
Brought to you by _Oregon Genealogical  Society_ 

October 8, 2010
9:30 - 11:30 am  NOTE NEW  TIME.  You'll be home in time to watch  the 
Civil War game at 12:30 pm.

This is event is open to the  public.
Fee:  $5.00 per  person

Where  there is a will, there is a way...  What are these records and how 
to use  them in your research.

    *   What are probate records?  
    *   What  genealogical information can be found in inventories, 
administration  accounts, testamentary proceedings, estate dockets, administration  
    *   Terminology found in wills and probate  proceedings  
    *   Where to find probate records
    *   Researchers new to will and probate records  
    *   Advanced genealogists who need a refresher  
    *   Genealogists who are having proving who the parent are of an  
This  class will take place at:
Oregon  Genealogical Society & Research Library
955 Oak Alley
Eugene, OR  97401

Please  call 541-686-1421 or email 
_education at oregongenealogicalsociety.org_ (mailto:education at oregongenealogicalsociety.org)   to reserve your spot or 
for more information.

The Oregon Genealogical  Society & Research Library is located under the 
Overpark at 10th and Oak  in the alley behind the Downtown Athletic Club. 
Parking is free in the  Overpark after 6pm and on weekends.

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