[or-roots] Source: 1850 trail list source>The Oregonian Dec 4, 1925

DanM. mygen2 at d-matney.com
Mon Feb 1 10:36:09 PST 2010

CNIDR Isearch-cgi 1.20.06 (File: 1850orim.txt)

Source:  The Oregonian Dec 4, 1925.

"Covered Wagons Brought Many Settlers Here in  1850"

Immigration of Year Notable - Oregon Historical Society Compiles List, Most 
Complete Ever Published of Pioneers Who Came 75 Years Ago.

Oregon gained many new residents in 1850.  The territory was becoming better 
known in the east, since the gold rush to California had created an active 
market for agricultural product and the Willamette Valley afforded as almost 
limitless opportunity for production of the staples the gold miners needed. 
Price was no object in the gold camps and the Oregon pioneers, chiefly 
agriculturists, were coming in increasing numbers.

The following list of the immigration of 1850 to Oregon is from the archives 
of the Oregon Historical Society and, although not complete, includes most 
of those who came that year.


Additional note: The names were copied in the order they appear in the 
newspaper article and are not necessarily in alphabetical order.  Also, the 
compiler's copy of this paper had taped crease marks which obliterated some 
of the names.   If there is access to the original article, additions and 
corrections will be appreciated.


"A" Surnames:

Abbott, Mrs. S. F.

Abernethy, Alex S.

Abbott, Mrs. Keturah Ballinger

Adams, John

Adams, Mrs. M. E.

Alford, Mrs. Martha J.

Allen, Henry Stephen

Allen, Kames L.

Allen, Mrs. M. A.

Althouse, J. A.

Anderson, David

Anderson, T. F.

Ankeny, Henry E.

Ankeny, Alexander P..

Applegate, Mrs. Isabelle Estes

Arnspiger, Mrs. Martha

Arrigoni, Mrs. E.

Ankeny, Levi

Aubrey, Marshall C.

Armentrout, Mrs.

"B" Surnames

Berry, Alfred M.

Bacon, C. P.

Beatty, William

Bell, John C.

Bills, Lemuel

Bonnell, Allison Clark

Borges, C. H.

Bowger, N. A.

Booth, Robert

Boise, Reuben P.

Boynton, Mrs. Mary A.

Boynton, Ebenezer L.

Boynton, Charles O.

Blumaer, Joseph

Blevins, Andrew J.

Blevins, John

Barclay, Mrs. Marie Bambrun

Backus, C. F.

Backus, Gideon A,

Barnard, Timothy

Barnard, Mrs. Mary A.

Barnes, Mrs. Anna

Barnes, Hiel

Barnes, Nelson

Barnes, William Henry

Barnes, Dudley

Bales, Oliver Jackson

Barry, John

Barlow, Mrs. Martha (Ann Allen)

Baird, Benjamin C.

Baird, Mary Jane

Baker, Lucretia Ann

Baker, Letitia

Brooke, Mrs. Genevieve

Brooks, Mrs. Anna

Baker, William Willis

Brown, Leonard

Breitenbucher, Lewis France

Brooks, Henry Jonathan

Brooks, Edgar Seldon

Brooks, Linus

Brooks, Mrs. Linus

Brown, Mrs. Jimina

Brown, Mary Elizabeth

Brown, Sarah

Brown, Andrew Jackson

Brown, James H.

Brown, Joseph Edward

Brown, Nathan A.

Brown, Capt. Hiram

Brown, James H.

Brown, William

Brown, Mrs. Huldah A.

Brown, Margaret Jane

Brown, Jewett

Brown, Nancy Sophia

Belcher, J. Madison

Beckley, Mrs. Mary Margaret

Belcher, Mrs. Margaret

Belcher, Milton

Belieu, Mrs. L. C.

Belieu, S. L.

Belieu, M. B.

Bellinger, Merritt

Belt, Dr. A. M.

Belt, Mrs. Nancy

Benjamin, Mrs. Mary Ann (Mansfield)

Bennett, James Abner

Bennett, Squire

Bergevin, C. L.

Berry, John Alfred

Butler, Rufus

Burge, C. C.

Butler, Isaac M.

Byrd, Mrs. Martha (Savage)

Burnett, James D.

Burt, G. A.

Beckley, Mrs. Mary Margaret Woodson

Beane, James H.

Beane, Joseph N.

Baughman, Captain E. W.

Baughman, Jacob H.

Baum,  ----

Bates, Mrs. Joseph D. (McBurney)

Birdsey, Mrs. Clara Fleming

"C" Surnames

Calavan, James N.

Carson, John C.

Caton, N. T.

Carter, Mrs. W. D.

Carter, William Davis

Caldwell, William Sutton

Chance, William

Charlton, Charles A.

Charlton, Joseph  J.

Childers, H. C.

Cheesman, Mrs. Urania Macy

Coffin, S. C.

Cole, George E.

Comegys, Emily J.

Crosby, Mrs. Phebe H.

Crosby, Mrs. Virginia

Cornelius, B. P.

Cloninger, Thomas A.

Cohn, Moritz

Coon, Washington L.

Crosby, Mrs. Phebe

Crimmins, John

Cochran, James

Cook, Mrs. Eliza

Cook, Edwin N.

Cornoyer, Narcisse

Currin, George J.

Coulter, Samuel

Cochran, James

Comegys, George

Connor, Mrs. Jane

Condit, Mrs. Abigail Brown

"D" Surnames

Davenport, T. W.

Davis, Thomas A.

Davis, Warren, David Sherman

Duniway, Benjamin C.

Dudley, John B.

Duskin, Oscar T.

Durham, Richard L.

Dorman, Mrs. J. M.

Dobelbower, William B.

Doane, Mrs. Matilda

Doane, Rev. Nehemiah

Denison, Ami P.

Donaldson, John

Dowell, Benjamin Franklin

Douglas, Oswell T.

Dryer, Thomas Jefferson

Deardoff, David

Davidson, Isaac G.

Davidson, John

Davidson, Elijah

Davidson, Elijah B.

Davis, Thomas A.

Davidson, Mrs. Saloma Jones

Dart, Mrs. Ellen McNulty

Davis, Alvah Isaiah

Davis, Mrs. Isabella Laughlin

Davis, David

Day, Phoeba E.

"E" Surnames

Elliott, James Monroe

Elliott, Mrs. Celia Ann Paul

Elkins, Mrs. Lucy Jane Zumwalt

English, Mrs. Mary

Ellerson, John H.

Ebbert, Mrs. James

Estes, Edwin A.

Estes, Elijah

Estes, Mrs. Hannah

Emerson, Mrs. Mary Jane Sherwood

Elliott, Samuel

"F" Surnames

Florence, Mrs. Catherine S.

Fountain, Caleb

Foster, J. H.

Foster, J. N.

Folsom, Mrs. Phoebe

Fowler, Andrew Jackson

Franklin, S. B.

Frost, Mrs. Matilda Price

Fuller, Mrs. Louisa E. R.

Farrar, Mrs. Abbie Hatch

Fackler, Rev. St. Michael

Fackler, Annie Elizabeth

Ferguson, Mrs. Jane

Finnican, Mrs. Elizabeth Ladd

Fitzhugh, Solomon

Fitzhugh, John

Florence, A. B.

Florence, Mrs. Catherine S.

Flora, Frederick

Foudray, Sarah Alice

"G" Surnames

Gatton, S.

Gaines, Abner P.

Gaines, Mrs. Elizabeth

Gaines, John P.

Garrett, Henry D.

Gay, Samuel

Geer, Mrs. Eliza E. (Foster)

Gibbs, Addison C.

Green, Mrs. Kate

Guthrie, Mrs. Mary

Grooms, Mrs. Agnes

Grooms, William

Grubb, T. N.

Griggs, Mrs. Amanda

Grubbs, Benjamin J.

Grubbs, Mrs. Eliz. Ann Liggett

Groves, William

Groves, Mrs. Emma Horning

Gray, Hiram

Gillihan, Mrs. Sarah Catherine Howell

Glass, Robert

Glass, William

Griffin, Mrs. Emily Catherine Roberts

Griffin, B. L.

Griffith, Mrs. Maria

Griffith, Chisholm

"H" Surnames

Haskins, J.J.

Haskins, Mrs. J. J.

Hayden, Mrs. Mary Jane (Bean)

Heater, Benjamin

Hearn, Tluming H.

Hancock, Thomas

Hartin, John H.

Hawthorne, James DeCrosset

Handley, Charles

Hayter, Thomas Jefferson

Hibbard, George L.

Higgins, W. S.

Higgins, George Wash.

Henness, Rebecca

Henness, Benjamin Lee

Heater, Mrs. Mary J.

Henrici, William E.

Hendershott, Mrs. E. J.

Heator, Benjamin

Handley, Thomas B.

Haynes, George

Hart, George W.

Hamilton, David

Hamilton, Edward

Harn, Mrs. Julia Reed

Hartin, George

Harris, W. H.

Hagard, William C.

Hammitt, Norman

Hamilton, Jason C.

Hamilton, Samuel Milton

Harding, Elisha Jenkins

Haskins, Mrs. J. J.

Haskins, J. J.

Harris, William

Howell, Mrs. Benjamin

Howell, Thomas

Hubbard, C. S.

Hull, Orley

H----eston, James

Hussey, Stephen

Hussey, Mary E. (Young)

Hunt, James

Huber, Noah

Hurt, Moses

Hunsaker, Harrison King

Hesline, Mrs. Drusilla

Hardenburgh, P. D. W.

Handley, Thomas B.

Hanaley, Mrs. Sarah Burton

Hall, William

"I" Surnames

Irvin, Richard

Irvin, Mrs. Louisa

Irving, Elizabeth (Dixon)

"J" Surnames

Jefferson, Delos

Johnson, Joseph D.

Johnson, Mrs. Mary

Jones, Mrs. Sarah Ann Hall

Jones, Silas

Jones, Mrs. Mary Evaline Baird

Jewett, Leonard

Jewett, Thomas Drake

Jewett, Waldo

Jewett, Mrs. Emma Brown

Jackson, Mrs. Harriett

Jackson, Jerome

Joslyn, Mrs. Mary Baker

Johnson, William C.

Junkins, Mrs. Mary

Johnson, William

Job, Mrs. Lydia

Judy, Mrs. Mary Jane

Johnson, Samuel Thurston

Johnson, Joseph

Jolly, William

Johnson, Samuel

"K" Surnames

Keyt, E. C.

Kenyon, Frank

Keiser, Jerome J.

Kumm, Jacob

Kirtley, Jane L.

Koontz, Charlotte Summers

Knott, Andrew J.

"L" Surnames

Lackey, John

Ladd, Mrs. Sarah

Lewis, William F.

Lewis,  -eal Matilda

Lacy, James C.

Lemont, Franers E.

Lambert, Joseph Hamilton

Leonard, H. C.

Laughlin, John

Large, Mrs. Mary

Lee, Reuben

Leisy,  Isaac

Larson, John

Langford, W. G.

Large, Francis

Linn, David

Logan, Hugh

Lindsay, Horace

Lieser, Mrs. Eliz.

Livergood, Mrs. Louisa J. Ramsey

Lord, Mrs. Mary E. (Brown)

Lord, Mrs. Elizabeth (Laughlin)

Lowell, Daniel W.

Linnville, Mrs. Amanda F. (Davidson)

La-aut, Narcisse

L---nderson, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Perry)

Laughlin, Susannah McCoy

Lee, Mrs. Nancy Laughlin

Laughlin, W. C.

Laughlin, Mrs. Mary J. (Yergain)

Laughlin, James

Laughlin, Frank B.

Laughlin, Davis Washington

Laughlin, James

Laughlin, Mrs. Nancy (McCoy)

Lindsay, Horace

Lucas, Thomas

"M" Surnames

Melissa (Walker)

Markeley, John Chambers

Mack, Mrs. Helen

Martindale, A.

Marckley, Mrs. Lucinda

Marrs, Mrs. L. E.

Maynard, Mrs. Mary

Matney, Carrie B.

Martin, Mrs. Mary Julia

Martin, James P.

Martin, James Thurston

Micott, John

Minto, Squire Bozorth

Miles, Samuel

Mitchell, James

Miller, John C.

Miller, Mrs. Marion

Miller, Frank M.

Miller, Betsey Ann

Miller, Mrs. Jane (McDonald)

Miller Mart.

Miller, J. W. (Rev)

Morris, W. C.

McClane, George F.

McPherson, William Angus

McCord, William R.

McKee, Mrs. B. F.

McKay, David Allen

McKee, Mrs. Lydia

McKee, James

McKee, Benjamin Franklin

McKenney, Peter

McKern, Luke

McLeran, Mrs. Elizabeth Adelaide (King)

McMorris, Lewis

McMulin, Frank Wise

McLench, Benjamin Franklin

Moore, Edwin Marshall

Moore, A. H.

Morris, A. B.

Moore, John W.

Morris, W. C.

Morris, Clarence L.

Morris, Preston

Murphy, John Miller

Murray, Henry

Morgan, Samuel

Miller, Mrs. Sarah Jane (Hutchinson)

Marden, Mrs. Harriet Reed

"N" Surnames

Nicklin, Thomas L.

Nicklin, John G. O.

Nicklin, Jno. Huff

Nicklin, Arthur Ingram

Nicklin, Mrs. Sarah

Nelson, Andrew Jefferson

Narris, Shubrick

Newell, G. Palmer

Nye, Nathan B.

"O" Surnames

O'Connor, Thomas

O'Sullivan, Timothy

Orton, Alfred

"P" Surnames

Preston, Mrs. Mary A. (Skidmore)

Porter, Mrs. Susan Gibson (Turner)

Porter, Robert Moffatt

Pointer, William

Porterfield, Mrs. Ruth

Porterfield, J. E.

Powell, D. J. P.

Pouty, Christian

Pointer, Theodora

Pitman, Mrs. Lousie Savage

Piette, John B. P.

Plummer, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth

Pinkley, Joseph

Pinkton, Harrison

Phillips, James T.

Peake, F. S.

Perdue, Mrs. Mary Frances (Mills)

Pack, Christopher Columbus

Patterson, William N.

Peuthand, Jane (Lox)

Partlow, James M.

Patton, William

Pattison, Charles

Peterson, Mrs. Mary E. Hussey

Parrish, Rolando

Parrish, Jessie

Parrish, Edward

Paul, Mrs. Hannah Jane Elliott

Pinkley, Joseph

Paxton, A. B.

Parker, Edmund A.

Palmer, B. P.

Peebles, John C.

Palmateer, Seth

Pease, Geo. Archibald Capt

Painter, Joseph Clark

Painter, William C.

Peebler,  Mrs. Iramiller Grubbe

Painter, Phillip

Pritchette, Kintzing

"R" Surnames

Riggs, John J.

Richardson, Mrs. Eliza J. (Barclay)

Richardson, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Dofflemyer) Chapman Young

Rigdon, Stephen

Risdon, David M.

Rice, Isadore E.

Rilea, James

Rickard, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth

Ritchie, John McClung

Rowland, Mrs. Mary E.  (Huntree)

Roberts, James B.

Roberts, Samuel Houston

Roberts, Isaac

Roberts, Mrs. Elizabeth (Connor)

Robinson, Dr. J. W.

Robinson, Mrs. Susan Millegan

Riggs, Mrs. Evaline H. (Nicklin)

Ritz, Phillip

Renton, William

Redman, Christopher Columbus

Reed, Thomas M.

Reed, Calvin

Reed, D. Gay

Reed, Benjamin Calvin

Reed, George Nelson

Reasoner, Francis Northway

"S" Surnames

Short, Mrs. Henrietta (Zumwalt)

Shepherd, Mrs. Martha W. Allen

Sattlemier, Martin R.

Shaver, George W.

Sherrett, Mr.

Shortridge,  James Henderson

Sherlock, William

Silver, C. S.

Silver, Mrs. C. S.

Short, Mrs. Henrietta Zumwalt

Simpson, Richard L.

Simmons, Jno S.

Simmons, Wheelock

Simpson, Mrs. Emily Ring Smith

Skidmore, Andrew R.

Skidmore, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Slater)

Skidmore, Charles

Skidmore, Stephen Griggs

Slater, James H.

Sleppy, Mrs. Nancy (Brown)

Skaife, Jasper Newton

Skaife, Mrs. Marietta Hiles

Skaife, John

Sitton, Mrs. Ida (Skidmroe)

Silver, Stephen W.

Silver, Mrs. Sarah (Fairfield)

Stiwer, Frederick

Stitzel, Jacob

Staats, Henry

Stout, J. L.

Stillwell, Mrs. Elizabeth (Baxter)

Stark, Henry A.

Staiger, Mrs. Martha Jane (Woodworth)

Staiger, M. J. (Woodworth)

Strong, Curtis Clark

Starkweather, William A.

Stevens, Mrs. Crawford

Story, George L.

Starr, N. A.

Starr, Willits

Settlemier, Mary C. Woodworth

Settlemier, Maria Eleanor

Settlemier, Jesse Holland

Slavin, John A.

Smith, Mrs, Arethusa E.

Smith, Lucius Miles

Smith, Charles W.

Smith, Mrs. Hannah Moore

Smith, William B.

Smith, J. C.

Sawyers, Andrew

Savage, H. H.

Salisbury, George Washington

Salisbury, Mrs. George W.

Salisbury, Alice

Schrivner, J. E.

Schnebly, David J.

Schnebly, G. W.

Scriber, Mrs. M. J.

Scribner, J. W.

Savage, Mrs. Jane

Savage, John M.

Scribner, Charles W.

Sanford, R.

Sawyer, Joseph

Scott, Mrs. Charlotte

Savage, Mrs. Thomas

Savier, T. A.

Sargent, F. Nelson

"T" Surnames

Torrance, E. A.

Tillard, Samuel

Toney, Mrs. William

Tomlinson, Mrs. Almira

Townsend, Washington

Tuffs, Jas Priestley

Trenchard, C. J.

Taylor, Elbert E.

Thomas, Roderick R.

Tallman, James

Tallman, Mrs. Catherine

Templeton, James

Thompson, A. S.

Thomas, John

Thompson, Henry R.

Thomas, Mrs. Jane Gage Co--

"V" Surnames

Vaughn, George Washington

"W" Surnames

Waterman, John Orvis

Woodworth, Mrs. Jane (Sull----)

Woodson, William T.

Woodworth, Mrs. S. V. (W--)

Wilmot, Richard B.

Woods, Mrs. Charlotte L. Can----

Woodward, Henry H.

Wooddy, Claiborne Alphonso

Wood, Zina Wilkinson

Wood, Mrs. Mary Whitman Mu----

Woodward, George Washington

Woodworth, Joseph Merritt

Woodworth, Franklin Newland

Wade, Mrs. Sarah V. (Woodworth)

Wantz, Mrs. Allen

Wakefield, Leland Howard

Watts, Marvel Markham

Watts, Mrs. Nancy Ann (Knight)

Wright, Elsie D.

Wygatt, Theodora

Weeks, Rueben

West, Harry

Weeden, Mrs. Nancy Jane (Wood) Hale

Weaver, James B.

Weaver, John W.

Weaver, Wm. Lewis

Weaver, Mrs.

Worsham, Mrs. R.

White, Charles

White, W. L.

White, Mrs. Mary E.

White, William

White, Oliver Cromwell

Whitlock, William T.

White, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Pa--low)

White, William Lewis

White, Sha--ow

White, W. L.

White, Mrs. Luretta

Wilson, John Wesley

Wilmot, Robert Fletchar

Wilkins, Jasper

Wilmot, Robert P.

Wilmot, Richard Benjamin

Wilson, John

Wilson, Bushrod

Warren, Jay

Williams, Mrs. Sarah (Salisbury)

Wilmot, Mrs. Nancy (Stone)

Winter, Mrs. Margaret E. (Heater)

Whitman, John

Whitman, William A.

Whitman, Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson

Whitman, Squire

Whitman, Margaret Adarene

White, Mrs. Mary Jane Clements

Ward, Ira Frederick

Waters, Abner W.

Wade, William

Wade, Mrs. Sarah (Dunham)

Wait, Sylvester M.

Walker, William Wallan

Walker, Levi C.

Walker, Sterry

Walker, Samuel

Wagner, Jacob

"Y" Surnames

Yocum, H.

Young, Mrs. Mary (Hussey)

Young, Joseph R.

Young, Stephen A.

"Z" Surnames

Zieber, Mrs. Charlotte Monoir

Zumwalt, Levi W.

Zumwalt, D. B.

Zumwalt, Henry J.

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